A bit of advice to avoid abuse

Posted in General Discussion.Topic Closed

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Original Poster

We all know there has been quite a bit of, shall we say "disagreements" recently between certain members on here, me included, but i have to say that sometimes the poster has a responsibilty to what it is they write that starts it all off.

We all know that self promoting is not allowed on here, yet some still manage to flout this, either sneakily, which is annoying, or a blatant ad which is just plain wrong. Anyone doing this can't then be surprised when a few decide to attack the poster of such an ad.

Can you imagine what the forum would look like if we all decided to post ads? Exactly

So my advice is, think carefully before you try and be clever, especially if your ad quotes mileage rates that are bound to cause friction, and promises that can't be backed up... Its just asking for trouble

Gas Motorcycle Couriers


Speed Couriers Nationwide said:

We all know there has been quite a bit of, shall we say "disagreements" recently between certain members on here, me included, but i have to say that sometimes the poster has a responsibilty to what it is they write that starts it all off.

We all know that self promoting is not allowed on here, yet some still manage to flout this, either sneakily, which is annoying, or a blatant ad which is just plain wrong. Anyone doing this can't then be surprised when a few decide to attack the poster of such an ad.

Can you imagine what the forum would look like if we all decided to post ads? Exactly

So my advice is, think carefully before you try and be clever, especially if your ad quotes mileage rates that are bound to cause friction, and promises that can't be backed up... Its just asking for trouble

Well said Rob, and I totally agree.

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Original Poster

Can i also suggest that as well as the person "attacking" the poster being suspended, or his thread edited or closed, that the poster of the thread also be suspended. We have laws concerning inciting riots, and rightly so. Maybe we should include those advertising, particularly with rates that are likely to offend. Are they not doing excatly that, albeit a forum riot, rather than an actual one?

Censoring posts before they get out of hand is all very well, but the poster should be made accountable too.

Gas Motorcycle Couriers


Speed Couriers Nationwide said:

Can i also suggest that as well as the person "attacking" could the poster being suspended as well, or the thread edited or removed. And that the poster of the thread also be suspended. We have laws concerning inciting riots, and rightly so. Maybe we should include those advertising, particularly with rates that are likely to offend. Are they not doing excatly that, albeit a forum riot, rather than an actual one?

Censoring posts before they get out of hand is all very well, but the poster should be made accountable too as this stirs up the trouble in the first place.

Fixed for ya Rob..

I agree you need fuel to encourage the fire.. and its the fire that is brought under control.. Not the fuel..

RGM Courier Services


Totally agree Rob. There's been a few posts lately advertising rates for courier jobs which should have been censored straight away. Sorry Admin but if you did your job Rob etc. wouldn't have to do it for you and end up getting embroiled in arguments!

Website Admin


RGM Courier Services said:

Totally agree Rob. There's been a few posts lately advertising rates for courier jobs which should have been censored straight away. Sorry Admin but if you did your job Rob etc. wouldn't have to do it for you and end up getting embroiled in arguments!

If there's something you don't agree should be going on/posted you should send me or Tim a message. We do act on and reply to messages from members.

We agree with Rob that posters should be mindful of what or how they post so as not to encourage arguments, this equally applies to those replying to such posts too though.

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