Can't log in on phone

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WM Couriers

Original Poster

Hello, i wonder if anyone can help, i have had to change my password for mt van, and now i cant log into my phone, but i can with my laptop, any ideas please.

PW Courier Services


Uninstall it on your phone then re-install it that should work Ltd


Do you mean on the app on the phone or the website? You shouldn't need to re-install the app.

WM Couriers

Original Poster Ltd said:

Do you mean on the app on the phone or the website? You shouldn't need to re-install the app.

I mean the website, i had to re-set my password again to get on the website on my laptop also.

PB Express


I had to reinstall the app this morning. Every time i tried to look at a gtm it signed out was ok after reinstall

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