Chicken or Egg? Driver or Job? what comes 1st

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Mr G Courier Service

Original Poster

Saw an ad in gumtree for owner drivers. Sent off my name and phone number and a few days later got a call from said company. Loads of work mate -your just what we are looking for. Filled in driver pack with copies of all documents and posted same day. 6 days later i call to ask how my application is going , "er, we haven't received one from you" never mind i said ill fill it all in again and hand deliver it instead. I duly obliged and was told i would be called next day with a driver number......... numerous phone calls daily received the same response. "sorry mate ,we are manic at the moment ,leave me your number and we will get back to you"

Fed up with the frustration i pointed out to the fleet manager that if he took just 5 mins to process my application he could have another driver on his fleet thus easing the pressure..............he s going to get back to me maybe some of you Controllers (speed) would care to make an observation

AJM sameday Couriers


Can you make £350 per day?

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd


Well i'd say they sound so disorganised that even if they did now contact you i'm not sure i'd be interested in workin with em.

There is always the constant battle between work coming in, and drivers to cover it, and if you have too many then you won't keep em cos they're not earning enough, although initially its easier to cover the work for the controller.

I'd say most follow this formula.....and that is why there is an endless stream of new drivers coming in replacing those that are leaving....also cos most courier companies bullshit new drivers with what they can earn.

I have never worked that way...if anything i always have slightly less drivers than i need....that way i know i can keep everyone busy...and that brings loyalty....and exchange sites help me cover the extra local and/or out of area work

I tell it how it is, warts an all

It means sometimes things can get a bit hairy, but i'd rather that and have a happy crew, than the back stabbing paranoia that seems to prevail in this and other similar industries

Some of my drivers have been with me for over 10 years, so I must be doing something right....and I have never advertised for drivers

ZENITH Courier Services


Aww, Speed when I'm grown up I wanna be just like you ;)

Barnsley Shipping


Rob you deserve some credit for keeping drivers that long because very few people ever do that .

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd


Careful Bob...people will start to talk if we start being nice to eachother

Barnsley Shipping


No they wont because they know that we only get on 10% of the time like today when there is not really much hot air on here !!

And of course your a posh southener a yuppie .....And Im from the industrial smoke lands we could not never get on

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd


Oi...i'm from Manchester...or is that worse?

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