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point2point uk couriers ltd

Original Poster

I received a random email from these guys. Never ever heard of them before offering the 1st 100 companies or drivers free membership to their site. Seems like another random person deciding to set up a exchange site like the others out there.

Not much info about them on their site so hardly appealing & calling out loud for people to join. Probably a bit like courier club, some random courier company owner deciding to set up his own site!

PW Courier Services


Just had a look at their site, not impressed.

point2point uk couriers ltd

Original Poster

Neither was I. Not much info on there site either.

Springer Express Couriers


Craig Davies appears to have registered the domain, but it could be operated by anyone even the most infamous con merchants in our industry.

Website Admin


Looks like a complete waste of time (for you and currently for them).

Unless someone with a huge amount of capitol or developer resources decides to shake up the online business to business (i.e. exchange) courier market, they're way too late to the game. Sometimes I get the impression that people who can throw together a few html forms together think there's not much more to setting up an exchange type site.

point2point uk couriers ltd

Original Poster

Springer Express Couriers said:

Craig Davies appears to have registered the domain, but it could be operated by anyone even the most infamous con merchants in our industry.

Yeah I noticed Craig Davies name but havent got a clue who he is. Probably another con site or ex-CX member deciding to go it alone a bit like courier club.

Mr G Courier Service


more money in less time ? sign me up !!

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