Euro 4 & LGV - wtf?

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ZENITH Courier Services

Original Poster

My road tax is due for renewal. Can is a SWB Transit registered in August 2003. According to the DVLA's own website that mean's it's a Euro 4 and 12 month's tax should therefore be £135.

But they're insisting on charging me £215, saying that the manufacturer registered the vehicle as a Light Goods Vehicle, not a Euro 4. In other words, and LGV can not be Euro 4 as well. I may be wrong, but this sounds like B*llocks.

Surely Euro 4 describes the engine and LGV describes the body??

ZENITH Courier Services

Original Poster

Sorry..."Van is a"...

AJM sameday Couriers


I think you are my euro 4 2008 doblo was £200 2 years ago, Cameron needs your money just pay up!



Look on your current / previous tax disk.. My xlwb both say Euro 5. If it says euro 4 on yours you have an argument. It should also say the same on your log book details. if not your just gunna have to cough up the dosh Ltd


I think as long as it's registered in the right date range, the issue is whether it's Euro 4 compliant, not whether it's registered as Euro 4. They are grouped together for the same lower tax charge on V149 which is the current rates doc:

Euro 4 light goods vehicles Tax Class 36 (weighing no more than 3500kg) Vehicles registered between 1 March 2003 and 31 December 2006 and which are Euro 4 compliant 12 months £135 Six months £74.25

Not sure how you find out if it's compliant or not.

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