Give me a link please?

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Original Poster

Is there a link to Admin? They say you have to take it up with them, not name and shame, if a member doesn't pay and I did a job on 18th March, still not paid.


Original Poster

PS - it wasn't a job allocated through the site, but a job offered by a member who found me as a member too.

Fastback Parcel Solutions


Got the same prob Dennis did 2 jobs for a company one has been paid and am still waiting on payment for job done in February. London based courier company that has posted on here but contacted me direct,


Original Poster

Uh, Oh, mine's London based too.

Some long time ago we couldn't have posted this without Admin jumping in to stop the rot before we started naming and shaming. Where are they now?



I think i have a feeling i know who your both on about. I had the same problems with them myself, but i did get paid in the end. The best way to do it, is issue a late payment charge and if that fails, threaten them with court action, if that fails then get the ball rolling with your solicitor to take them court. It worked for me and these people shouldn't be on here or any exchange site for that matter. I have had the odd call from them to cover a job for them, but refusal is always my answer. Stay away from them if i was you both, but not until you've been paid obviously

RGM Courier Services


In the absence if any admin input I think you should name them, for the sake of other members.

AJM sameday Couriers


I could name a guy near me 4 months he took to pay he had a different excuse every week the thing is he thought I believed them so 2 months wait isn't so bad.

Gas Motorcycle Couriers


Have you not tried to PM admin? Mind you theres been no presence from them, probably why this sites gone down hill.. On that note and don't want to go off topic, Ive just received an mtvan insurance reminder for GIT in which they are recommending Bollington, are these companies now sponsoring MTV?

HSP Couriers LTD


Obviously not in a ..rush to pay then?

RGM Courier Services


Nuff said HSP..


Original Poster

HSP Couriers LTD said:

Obviously not in a ..rush to pay then?

Nuff said, indeed. I sent them an email, and I've texted them.

Now I'll have to try ringing them to ask them to "hurry" up.

Then I'll have to get unpleasant - that means I'll simply post up a topic saying "Don't use XX Couriers - they don't pay" and sod Admin's sensitivities about naming and shaming! (Admin haven't yet picked up on this thread).

I could kick myself for taking the job on - I didn't (have time to) check up on them when he rang and I made the mistake of assuming he was a Shed member and automatically trusted him, because Shed does more than just check insurances - it wasn't until afterwards that I discovered he was only on MT. Grrrrr!

GB Distributors (Bridgend)


Not guilty. Sorry to hear of your none payment.


Original Poster

Gas Motorcycle Couriers said:

Have you not tried to PM admin? Mind you theres been no presence from them, probably why this sites gone down hill.. On that note and don't want to go off topic, Ive just received an mtvan insurance reminder for GIT in which they are recommending Bollington, are these companies now sponsoring MTV?

That's odd. I thought they'd passed the insurance sponsorship to the expert?

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Mr G Courier Service



Contact them and warn them that you will name and shame, and the link will almost certainly remain until mtvan admin resume work. We all need to know as it seems they do it regularly

3D Courier Services


I've helped them out in the Sheffield area on several occasions over the last year. And yes they are slow payers but after a couple of phone calls they always pay up.


Original Poster

Sorry, but if a vendor wants a job done, he should pay up for it. I'm absolutely not interested in doing work for somebody who has to be chased for payment - I bet they don't expect to be reminded to send a bill for it to their customer.



If the cryptic clue given above is correct I had the same problem phone call out of the blue to help out just a little local run not high paying done middle of November 2014 eventually got paid in late January 2015 3 or 4 emails to remind them whole business is based on trust (person who contacts you pays you) and it makes you wary of phone calls for help.


Original Poster

I guess the cryptic clue IS correct. Now, the problem with work allocated direct, not via the jobs page, means the job doesn't get logged into the mtvan system, so YOU CAN'T GIVE FEEDBACK - I just went to look at his profile and the only feedback he has is from only one company. But I found I was unable to give feedback, so there's no chance for any of us who have received direct phone calls and very indirect payment to leave feedback to let others know the situation.

Admin are apparently very much against naming and shaming. But when I phoned him on Friday, he led me to expect them to pay me on Tuesday (actually he said he'd get onto them Monday, so I said does that mean I get it in my bank Monday? And he said no, they normally do them on Tuesdays). I will see.

AJM sameday Couriers


You shouldn't have to chase people for money, if you do the job and they don't have any complaints ten years ago I was busy with lots of customers then people started paying slower and some people took months so I stopped working for them these days I only do work for people I know the, the people who call you mate and pal are the worst payers believe me.



AJM sameday Couriers said:

You shouldn't have to chase people for money, if you do the job and they don't have any complaints ten years ago I was busy with lots of customers then people started paying slower and some people took months so I stopped working for them these days I only do work for people I know the, the people who call you mate and pal are the worst payers believe me.

Bit of a generalisation pal?



Why give people who don't pay on time any sensitivity there obviously ain't got none for you so do us all and favour and name and shame them. Ut hope u do get paid

AJM sameday Couriers



AJM sameday Couriers said:

You shouldn't have to chase people for money, if you do the job and they don't have any complaints ten years ago I was busy with lots of customers then people started paying slower and some people took months so I stopped working for them these days I only do work for people I know the, the people who call you mate and pal are the worst payers believe me.

Bit of a generalisation pal?

I agree with you mate






People pay late and think it's acceptable, that must mean it's acceptable to deliver their jobs late, try that and you can bet your life you'll be crucified


Original Poster

It's gone 7am and nothing in my bank account - the direct debit for my VAT was due today and that HAS been taken. So it's beginning to look like it's not being paid on Tuesday as he told me. In addition to me, there are at least four other members who have indicated in this thread that they are poor payers. On the basis that it will still be Tuesday until tonight, I shall not name and shame until after close of banking hours. If still unpaid by then, I'll be namimg them. That is not a step I'd wish to take lightly, but if I were not affected yet, I'd like to know for my own future safety, so I'd be encouraging anybody else to name and shame for the benefit of members. It would be quite OK to use the feedback section to comment on their reputation, but as that can't be done because the work (and apparently other members too) was passed directly, using mtvan site membership details, the only alternative is to post it.

Mr G Courier Service


Hold on Dennis..i think its a bank holiday in the Cayman Islands.

I'm guessing they bank there as there holding on to "pots" of surplus cash


Original Poster

Hmm. They must have long bank holidays - it's 8 weeks tomorrow. I rang him again tonight and he said Accounts weren't answering. It should have been paid, BACS take a couple of days (I told him Chris takes about three and a half minutes). He'll get onto Accounts tomorrow morning and ring me at 9:30am.

Website Admin contacted me by PM at midday today asking who it was - I told him, but he hasn't been in touch with me again.

ATM Logistics


3D Courier Services said:

I've helped them out in the Sheffield area on several occasions over the last year. And yes they are slow payers but after a couple of phone calls they always pay up.

Why should you have too? A genuine one off mistake from folk is acceptable, those who deliberately continually take the piss should have a good hard long look in the mirror

Mr G Courier Service


So there still not in a Rush to pay you...

Great news that you heard from the admin btw.. Their advice will be to do a credit check on vendors BEFORE taking on a job.

Sound advice.. If you have the time and the opportunity


Original Poster

But surely (and we've ALL got that much time, haven't we? - I'm just a lazy sod) if they've got loadsa money in the Cayman Islands, a credit check would show they're a solid bet?

ATM is right, we shouldn't have to chase up payments and it seems this one needs chasing every time.

I'm perfectly happy helping a vendor to make himself a fortune, but NOT if he needs or wants me to bankroll him. Anybody who agrees to provide a delivery service should be in a position, like me and every other owner driver, to cover the cost of doing the job BEFORE taking it on. I don't offer to do a job and then look round for a van, insurance, diesel etc. But that is exactly what these people want, but they want ME to provide them on credit. My garage doesn't service my van and get paid two months later, I pay or I don't get my van back. If I drive away without paying for my diesel, I'll end up in handcuffs. But these late paying vendors are doing exactly that - they are using a serviced, fuelled and insured van without paying for it for weeks.



It's all about relationships.

My garage do not expect payment straight away, we pay them 30 days after they invoice us. We draw fuel, and get invoiced perhaps a week later, and have 15 days credit.

We generally pay within 30 days of receiving an invoice from a sub contractor, but more often than not pay early or sometimes before the job is done!

New customers have to pay us immediately, if then it 'feels' ok, we will agree to a credit facility.

You are right Denis, that owner drivers should be in a position to cover costs before taking the job on, some sadly are not! Payment terms should be agreed in the first instance of a business relationship being formed, BUT it is normal practice in the UK for 30 days end of month terms to be the standard. In practice, not always the case.

I work closely and and am more than happy to have agreed 60 day and even 90 day terms with our customers.
It is when agreed terms get extended without explanation when things become unacceptable.

Fastback Parcel Solutions


Well dennis we are in the same boat, no reply to my final email before i slap late charges on them, i have been m ore that generous so far but not now. New invoice gets issued tommorow with late charges. Its taking the P1ss.


Original Poster

You paid me VERY early.

But let me point out that the government thing about late payment says that in the absence of agreed terms, invoices must be paid within 30 days of the work being done, or the invoice being presented, whichever is the later. 30 days EOM may be the standard practice, but it's in breach of that thing unless it's an agreed term. Only nobody dares take late payers to task.

Some years ago when I had a (very) small number of my own clients, I was happy enough to tolerate their late payments - because I was charging enough.

But as a subby? It's all very well to say make your own price for what you want/need, but that's probably a fine judgement between getting the job and not working - the constant threat to subby-dom. So acting as a banker for uncaring vendors who take advantage of that threat just isn't fair.

I hasten to add that I know for a fact that you are not one such uncaring vendor. It would be great if some others had your principals.


Original Poster

Sorry, my post took a long time to compose - it was in reply to RLT.

Fastback, tomorrow morning after 9:30am if I'm still unpaid, his name gets posted. You can add to the impact by putting your name on my post then.

Fastback Parcel Solutions


With you all the way



Hope you sort it Denis, The worst thing in my book is when they assure you that hey have paid and nothing appears in your account.

Some people do not deserve to be in a position to be running a business!

Gas Motorcycle Couriers


Dennis said:

Sorry, my post took a long time to compose - it was in reply to RLT.

Fastback, tomorrow morning after 9:30am if I'm still unpaid, his name gets posted. You can add to the impact by putting your name on my post then.

Dennis its gone 09.30, I've been following this post closely & I'm rushing around frantically with anticipation wanting to know who it is... the suspense is killing me...

0945... Still nothing... Look I'm in no rush here, but put us out of our misery, so I can go to bed...


Original Poster

I am currently typing up the post, which I'm doing as a new topic. But just for information, my bank account has received nothing from them and I haven't had the 9:30am phone call. My next post in this thread will show a link to my separate topic concerning my bad experience with RUSH COURIERS LTD. I shall be inviting anyone else with similar experiences to add their names in support of that thread - one would hope that mtvan Admin would take note and bar them from this website so that they can no longer view and use details of unsuspecting members.

G'night, Gas.


Original Poster

Here's a link to my post...


Original Poster


Hope you sort it Denis, The worst thing in my book is when they assure you that hey have paid and nothing appears in your account.

Some people do not deserve to be in a position to be running a business!

Well, "It HAS been paid". He told me last Friday he'd get onto them Monday, but that they deal with them on Tuesdays. Today it turns out that they deal with them Tuesdays then put them into BACS on Wednesdays and it gets to my bank by Friday, maybe even Thursday. I remain to be convinced.

When YOU said you were paying me, it was in my bank account moments later. When Chris told me I'd been paid, it was in my bank account moments later.

Pemyn Courier Services.


Chasing one myself... Used to pay within a week, this invoice from 20th March (30eom). Sent company a text last wed 6/5 not received payment got a call back saying sorry.. Worked plonk hours this week will be in office Friday doing accounts.

Still not been paid.. When it comes it will be a bloody cheque toooo..

Gas Motorcycle Couriers


Glad your sorted now Dennis. But as for BACS its all done now by faster transfer, which means its instant but can take upto 2hrs when the button is pressed to confirm. There is no excuse to be messed about when it comes to payment, and of course the old saying goes "once bitten twice shy" or treble your price to compensate, this would apply to anyone in this situation.


Original Poster

Gas Motorcycle Couriers said:

Glad your sorted now Dennis.

You misunderstand me, I'm afraid. When I started my previous post with "It HAS been paid", that was in quotation marks, meaning it was what HE said, not I. It had NOT been paid and it still has NOT been paid.

I want loads of other sufferers to go post on my other topic their own bad experiences so that we can get Admin to pay attention and kick him off the site.

Gas Motorcycle Couriers


Dennis said:

Gas Motorcycle Couriers said:

Glad your sorted now Dennis.

You misunderstand me, I'm afraid. When I started my previous post with "It HAS been paid", that was in quotation marks, meaning it was what HE said, not I. It had NOT been paid and it still has NOT been paid.

I want loads of other sufferers to go post on my other topic their own bad experiences so that we can get Admin to pay attention and kick him off the site.

Sorry Dennis, yes I did misunderstand you...

As for others posting, well Ive always found folk can talk the talk, but cannot put the talk into action for reasons of retrobution..

Fastback Parcel Solutions


Cant follow the link... However still waiting for one to be paid from 23/02/2015, he contacted me direct as he was desperate. Not a big amount but that's not the point. Come on admin suspend them, I see they posted a few jobs today as well, yep I got the txt alert, bit like rubbing salt into the wound. They still not replying to emails. And I aint wasting my time phoning only to be fobbed off so its late payment charges and legal proceedings after that, are you listening Steve at RUSH COURIERS

GB Distributors (Bridgend)


Yeah, I had one of those bill. Was only £50, took nearly 4 months to pay.. Got it in the end. No Rush here any more


Original Poster

True, the links don't actually work when you click them in a post. This is the only website I've ever used which fails in that respect.

So either copy and paste the link into your browser, or even easier, just go to the discussions forum index - it's the third one down, title "Rush Couriers".

No payment in my bank this morning.

alt text

Gas Motorcycle Couriers


Dennis said:

True, the links don't actually work when you click them in a post. This is the only website I've ever used which fails in that respect.

So either copy and paste the link into your browser, or even easier, just go to the discussions forum index - it's the third one down, title "Rush Couriers".

No payment in my bank this morning.

![alt text]( p Dennis said:

True, the links don't actually work when you click them in a post. This is the only website I've ever used which fails in that respect.

So either copy and paste the link into your browser, or even easier, just go to the discussions forum index - it's the third one down, title "Rush Couriers".

No payment in my bank this morning.

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Original Poster

Hey, that's real cute! Could you fix Rush's BACS stuff? (still nothing in my bank).

A E Delivery


Dennis said:

Hey, that's real cute! Could you fix Rush's BACS stuff? (still nothing in my bank).

This is soul destroying when it happens as i always see it as a theft. You pay out in costs so although its a service its not just man hours. I`m pleased your tenacious

I find linking this can have effects on payment. No-one wants to recieve this link within an email asking for an invoice to be paid.

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