HMV Call in the administrators

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Gas Motorcycle Couriers

Original Poster

Sign of bad times to come, honda, currys now HMV, whos next? what will it do for this industry, does it mean even more new start ups and a hell of lot less for us, now as the retailers are dissappearing is this the sign of the times? As if work is not tight enough.

Im now fed up with this useless Government, they are really crippling the economy and paying out to much in benefits to eastern european sponging layabouts who do feckall exept keep our council busy in cleaning up the mess they leave in our area.. this once was a good area before johnny foreigner moved in.

Rant Over!



I agree with everything you say Gary, apart from blaming this government.

Remember it was the lefties who got us in this mess, and lost it's grip in Europe too!

Thank God Milliband is not our leader, as we would be 'censored'

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd


Whoever got us in this mess (and some seem to have rewritten history there but thats another story) there seems very little that can be done whoever is in power

The markets rule the roost and to a certain extent therefore the policies of Governments as well as the

Banks withholding monies specifically given to them to lend out

There are some decent well run Businesses out there who fold cos of cashflow, and there's much worse to come

Gas Motorcycle Couriers

Original Poster

Your Right... Did anyone watch "Rip off Britain" last night.. It was all about banks and very interesting it was too.. Not just all about normal consumer but family run business's as well..

If you get chance watch it on iplayer.

Barnsley Shipping


Its very easy to blame the goverment for things that go wrong This situation is a global slump that has effected every country in the world except for Canada. You people that are supposidly running businesses remind me of the union reps in the dark old days they blamed everybody and did nothing but drag down the ones the claimed to support. I was a self employed bod amaoungst miners in those days I learnt alot and that why Im a capitalist! Dont fall in the trap of blaming and moning I promise you it will consume you



Yes i saw rip off britain. The banks are still at it. So are the ppi claim companies. Dont use them. And insurance company's. Their turn will come, motor insurance is the worst, a massive rip off. Yes i blame the government, too much to mention hear but have just taken £3,000 off the police, and are still giving money away in tax credits, to people in full time employment earning up to around £50,000. Then take credits off people that cant afford it.

The mind boggles. The country is run by idiots



The consumers that browsed the shops almost like a catalogue, got the advice then went home and bought it on line just to save a fiver forgetting about how come the guy in the shop know his onions, until of course it goes wrong and then you have to send it off

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd


Listen.....all those in power, whether it be Government, Whitehall, Councils or Banks make damn sure they look after themselves with scant regard what happens to the masses

They govern thru fear and by blaming eachother instead of sitting down and getting on with it

exforcesecure said:

The country is run by idiots

Or is it run by the corrupt, for the corrupt

Barnsley Shipping


exforcesecure said:

Yes i saw rip off britain. The banks are still at it. So are the ppi claim companies. Dont use them. And insurance company's. Their turn will come, motor insurance is the worst, a massive rip off. Yes i blame the government, too much to mention hear but have just taken £3,000 off the police, and are still giving money away in tax credits, to people in full time employment earning up to around £50,000. Then take credits off people that cant afford it.

The mind boggles. The country is run by idiots

This is the sort of talk that worries me! The miners were fools there was no doubt but I get worried when men of the Queen start to talk down our country. It almost feels like we might be disowned by our forces!

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd


They are used as pawns without the proper equipment in other peoples political game playing which is wrong. So i for one, am not in the least bit surprised...

Gas Motorcycle Couriers

Original Poster

I can see the mess we are in is not entirely blamed on present Government, but the current government doesnt really help the situation. Personally they are all full of sht and talk bll*x.. you just have to watch question time.

Barnsley Shipping said:

Its very easy to blame the goverment for things that go wrong This situation is a global slump that has effected every country in the world except for Canada. You people that are supposidly running businesses remind me of the union reps in the dark old days they blamed everybody and did nothing but drag down the ones the claimed to support. I was a self employed bod amaoungst miners in those days I learnt alot and that why Im a capitalist! Dont fall in the trap of blaming and moning I promise you it will consume you

The thing is you were in a time where you could learn from it and I was young and thought guerilla warefare was man vs monkey, and wasnt interested about rowdy yorkshiremen, cried when Elvis died and found out the megasaurus was a gay dino and politics back then was full of sh*t, houses were cheap and up north was really grimm, insurance was cheaper, fuel cost was low, but I was to young to understand the stuff that meant nothing to me, but maybe a good time to become self employed, I have always worked as an employee from the mid eighties, you mention "You people that are supposidly running businesses remind me of the union reps in the dark old days they blamed everybody and did nothing but drag down the ones the claimed to support" now that remark maybe aimed at those from the dark days or have been in business along time or whatever reason, but the difference being, Ive just been in business a short time just over 2 yrs, and its a struggle climbing the ladder on your own, especially in this current climate, so whos to blame for that, I certainly dont rely on thieving bankers to help me, (Im not saying I need help, but its a difficult task to make a good living these days).. Someone mentioned Insurance, yes its a rip off, only because of compensation culture and the huge payouts for property damage due to drainage problems, so whos responsible? the local council for cutbacks? the agencys for not enough funds? someones responsible! and as for the insurance they have to claw back some of the monies from other areas to compensate but the Government dont regulate, so yes the Government has a part to play and are responsible.

Gas Motorcycle Couriers

Original Poster

So Barnsley Shipping.. You mention its easy to blame the Government for when it goes wrong, but you say the situation is a global slump? I dont think the west coast mainline fiasco was to do with global slump, this is about a man who has worked his nuts off to provide a quality service and he was having the rug being pulled from under his feet, whilst back handers were going on.. So the proof is there. But the difference is he stood up for what he believed in and didnt back down and prooved the government and first group were in cahoots.. I take my hat off to him, he should get in the banking industry.. Just like Dave.. And I bank with him.. lol

Manadon Despatch


Wat Tyler rules OK!

Flaxman Express


Please don't get me on MP's pay rises... 32%! And as for the EU... We should punt the UK further out into the Atlantic.

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd


"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it" Joseph Goebbels

Gas Motorcycle Couriers

Original Poster

Flaxman Express said:

Please don't get me on MP's pay rises... 32%! And as for the EU... We should punt the UK further out into the Atlantic.

So are they cutting back on the public sector to subsidise their pay rise? yes I agree we should be further in the atlantic cut all ties with eu bueracracy, send back all spongers who think this is the land of milk and honey and dont contribute.. aaww dont get me started...

Barnsley Shipping


Gas Motorcycle Couriers said:

So Barnsley Shipping.. You mention its easy to blame the Government for when it goes wrong, but you say the situation is a global slump? I dont think the west coast mainline fiasco was to do with global slump, this is about a man who has worked his nuts off to provide a quality service and he was having the rug being pulled from under his feet, whilst back handers were going on.. So the proof is there. But the difference is he stood up for what he believed in and didnt back down and prooved the government and first group were in cahoots.. I take my hat thoff to him, he should get in the banking industry.. Just like Dave.. And I bank with him.. lol

The miners stood up for what they believed in. Fighting a cause is a dead duck shoot! My advice stop worrying about everybody else and focus on your own business dont waste your time busybodying over thing beond your control! Today is your day dont waste it!

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd


The Miners Strike was nothing to do with Coal tho was it

AJM sameday Couriers


I think the Tories are doing a great job, we have never had it so good.

I agree with Mr Barnsley's last comment

Barnsley Shipping


Speed Couriers (Stansted) said:

The Miners Strike was nothing to do with Coal tho was it

Absolutly right Rob Us outsiders could see that but they wanted to take on Maggie and ended up eating each other up like starving guiniue pigs. Rob I learnt nothing about business from that lot but it cirtainy tought me a lot about life.

Gas Motorcycle Couriers

Original Poster

Wasnt it the way the miners went about things which was their demise, and correct me if Im wrong but wasnt scargil there front man? now look at him, living a nice life and where are the miners now.......Thing is Bob I look after No1.. But when you hear about business's like Honda, Hmv, Jessops, currys etc going down the pan, and some of my own clients are to say the least unusually quiet it worries me a tad, Im not interest in running around being busy for nowt, Im in it to earn a decent living and think of the future.

Barnsley Shipping


Gas Motorcycle Couriers said:

Wasnt it the way the miners went about things which was their demise, and correct me if Im wrong but wasnt scargil there front man? now look at him, living a nice life and where are the miners now.......Thing is Bob I look after No1.. But when you hear about business's like Honda, Hmv, Jessops, currys etc going down the pan, and some of my own clients are to say the least unusually quiet it worries me a tad, Im not interest in running around being busy for nowt, Im in it to earn a decent living and think of the future.

The mines! Ironic! When the mines shut thats exactly how I felt the transport company I subbed from went bust! But if your positive and you work hard to find new busness you will always come good.



Why oh why have so many people blindly grabbed onto this 32% pay rise thingy IT IS NOT WHAT THEY ARE GETTING! It was a survey of 100 MP's for all you know it could have been any of them, it was a survey and nothing more.

Gas Motorcycle Couriers

Original Poster

Some good advice there Bob.. In which for me everyday is positive even when your at your lowest.

AJM sameday Couriers


One of the things with Honda is there silly prices, honda cars are bought by the average joe, in times like these if people want a new car they will by another make, honda's are silly money these day's and unless they th reduce there prices and quick this is going to be the outcome, me & my mrs have an Honda each, she bought hers new 6 years ago, and i bought mine seconhand 2 years ago, the same spec she has would cost £23500 nowadays couldnt/wouldnt be able to afford it

Scott Reid


These companies have really just become victims of their own over expansion.

I'll be glad when the majority of them are bust and newer, smaller independent stores begin to retake space on the high street once again.

RGM Courier Services


Then there'll be more newbie couriers..

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd


Yay for independents



Yep for BNP :-)

Gas Motorcycle Couriers

Original Poster

Peter Riley said:

I'll be glad when the majority of them are bust and newer, smaller independent stores begin to retake space on the high street once again.

That wont happen whilst huge shopping centres and superstores are around. Ive seen family run shops and small shops dissappear on the street, because of big superstores appearing and public transport plans taking priority due to bad road planning and killing the high st in some places.



The rent payments that are usually required 6 months in advance normally see off independents

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd


The bungs are far too expensive for an independent to have any kind of voice... lol

Gas Motorcycle Couriers

Original Poster

The Internet has a part to play as well



Come on the lads...

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