Photos on the forum

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Just a quick reminder that you can upload images to the mtvan forum, if you want to share something about your day.

Just upload the image to or similar, get the link, and paste it into the link button above. That's the little photo icon in the row of editing icons immediately above the text area.

Here's a good photo of PGR Couriers:

Smart White Van Man on mtvan



Would you buy a used car off this man? :-) :-)

AJM sameday Couriers


Dennis said:

Would you buy a used car off this man? :-) :-)

No, the wheel trims are missing, and thee steel wheels have been badly kerbed.



AJM sameday Couriers said:

Dennis said:

Would you buy a used car off this man? :-) :-)

No, the wheel trims are missing, and thee steel wheels have been badly kerbed.

Trust you to notice that lol

RGM Courier Services


He needs a shave as well.



Kin ell 'rogues gallery' I told him not to park up in Leyland.

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