The weather

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AJM sameday Couriers

Original Poster

OK, let's keep this friendly and civil please, the weather here is blue sky sunny & +2.5 had about 1cm of snow overnight but nearly gone, got down to -5 overnight.

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd


Yes we too have a blue sky, snowed on and off but not much evidence left

moray couriers


Cold northerly breeze but a surprising +4 deg up here in the arctic circle

Manadon Despatch


It's bright and sunny down 'ere in Plymouth ... and a bit nippy

Barnsley Shipping


Manadon Despatch said:

It's bright and sunny down 'ere in Plymouth ... and a bit nippy

Hello Mr Manadon I think your very luck to live in such a beautiful part of the country

HSP Couriers LTD


alt text

Calais last night - got much worse over night!(approx. 00:30)

AJM sameday Couriers

Original Poster

Crimes that's bad hsp, that looks more like Colorado

HSP Couriers LTD


Yep, driver arrived Calais approx. 19-15 CET and touched down in Folkestone @ 04:10 UK. One of the ferry across to Calais now and another on the way down to dover later this evening. Not much fun down there at the moment with operation stack etc

AJM sameday Couriers

Original Poster

Sunny -2 no snow

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