Customer Booking System
As a busy courier company or owner driver, your courier software is vitally important for your business. However it’s one of those things that can be really expensive and time consuming to get just right. Fortunately we’ve been working really hard on your behalf and now offer a customer booking system that can be added to your own site in literally 5 minutes!
Here’s a few images to give you an idea of how it’ll look on your site…
Imagine: if you’re too busy on a job to speak to a customer you’ll have the option of asking them to book their job on your website. If you’re a larger organisation your customer web bookings can come straight through to your controllers using mtvan.
You just have to add one line of code where you want the customer booking system to appear – we’d suggest the normal page body, leave your normal side bar and header. If you use WordPress for your site, you can add this code to a page or post by switching to the code (HTML) view.
Want our customer booking system? Just join mtvan (it’s free) and follow the top navigation to ‘Customer Booking’.