Admin is there any chance of Android app? You be surprised how many people are using the Android software and moving away from ios due to restrictions and screen size.
Android App?
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Plan B Couriers

Beeline Couriers UK

We've been through this before - check out this thread. I'm waiting for it too...
Beeline Couriers UK

And this thread too, although you'll have to read about it further down.
Plan B Couriers

Thanks Beeline. I hoping if I persist Admin will have a change of heart and grant us Android users the app.
Beeline Couriers UK

Network City Limited said:
Thanks Beeline. I hoping if I persist Admin will have a change of heart and grant us Android users the app.
Admin says it's on the list of things to do but only they can confirm just how high on the list it is...
Plan B Couriers

Lets keep on him Beeline, all the best
I'd like to put forward a motion for an Android app too please. I don't really understand why anyone would favour an iPhone app over Android as there are more Android users? Maybe iPhone was more popular at the time.
Anyway, come on folks, get on it!
Courier Expert

While i am not an android user (i'll probably never give up my Blackberry keyboard), I am however considering a small Android tablet. The main point though, I do agree that the overwhelming number of people I come into contact with, have an Android phone - or would be prepared to buy one to access the mtvan features, as they can be purchased far much cheaper than an iphone.
I have an Android Phone and a Tablet, I can no longer function without them. Had an Iphone 4 for about 3 months whilst working a contract as the company supplied it for their bespoke software, it was an absolute nightmare to use and I ended up getting my laptop out most of the time to do the work. So yes I can Highly recommend an Android Tablet, just don't buy a really cheap non branded type, go for a good manufacturer. Tescos have an Acer model available for about £90.00 or the Motorola Xoom 2 8" which I am using for about £170.00.
Website Admin

Courier Expert said:
I'll probably never give up my Blackberry keyboard
You might have to one day. The other day Blackberry announced Q1 results and they were worse than expected, despite the recent launch of the Z10/Q10. I would not be surprised if long term they end up focusing on enterprise services over handsets.
ETA: Having said that I do think the Q10/Z10 look great so it'll be a shame if they can't get enough traction.
How cheap can you get a comparable Android phone? I think you can get an iPhone 4 (maybe s) for free or nearly free on a reasonable contract. The reason the number of Android devices shipped is high is because a huge chunk of them are cheap and less capable than an iPhone or a Samsung Galaxy/HTC One. Android has mainly replaced Symbian (which was once the dominant feature/smart platform, over 50% in 2008 I think).
We do intend to do something for mtvan on Android, it's a question of prioritizing vs all the other valuable things we're working on. Building a decent native app is no small task and we won't compromise on quality.
To partly answer one of the questions above: Developers in general produce stuff for iPhone ahead of Android for a variety of reasons, it's cheaper (less devices to test for with a limited range of resolutions), it's easier to produce an application of high quality (largely because of previous reason), the iPhone market is often bigger because users are more active (look up the mobile web traffic share), and finally if you're charging for your app (I know we don't) you're more likely to get your software pirated on Android.
Beeline Couriers UK

Website Admin said:
We do intend to do something for mtvan on Android, it's a question of prioritizing vs all the other valuable things we're working on. Building a decent native app is no small task and we won't compromise on quality.
Do you have a rough time-scale for development? A few months? A year or maybe two?
Website Admin

Beeline Couriers said:
Website Admin said:
We do intend to do something for mtvan on Android, it's a question of prioritizing vs all the other valuable things we're working on. Building a decent native app is no small task and we won't compromise on quality.
Do you have a rough time-scale for development? A few months? A year or maybe two?
Priorities can change quite significantly so I couldn't be more definite on timescale. I would suggest that if you're considering which phone to buy to not wait and get an iPhone as we already have a proven solution.
Beeline Couriers UK

Website Admin said:
Beeline Couriers said:
Website Admin said:
We do intend to do something for mtvan on Android, it's a question of prioritizing vs all the other valuable things we're working on. Building a decent native app is no small task and we won't compromise on quality.
Do you have a rough time-scale for development? A few months? A year or maybe two?
Priorities can change quite significantly so I couldn't be more definite on timescale. I would suggest that if you're considering which phone to buy to not wait and get an iPhone as we already have a proven solution.
Already tied to a two-year contract on our Android mobile phones...
Website Admin

Beeline Couriers said:
Already tied to a two-year contract on our Android mobile phones...
What phones are you using and do you know what version of Android they are on?
Beeline Couriers UK

Website Admin said:
Beeline Couriers said:
Already tied to a two-year contract on our Android mobile phones...
What phones are you using and do you know what version of Android they are on?
Samsung Galaxy S3
Beeline Couriers said:
Website Admin said:
Beeline Couriers said:
Already tied to a two-year contract on our Android mobile phones...
What phones are you using and do you know what version of Android they are on?
Samsung Galaxy S3
I would like to see a Android app. I'm not over keen on iPhones myself so i use galaxy ace 2. I'm currently using the Courier Exchange app and it works well for me. Vendors know where I'm at and I've had 7 phone calls today alone to cover work for them. Come on admin, you know you want to do an Android app lol
Courier Expert

Website Admin said:
Courier Expert said:
I'll probably never give up my Blackberry keyboard
You might have to one day. The other day Blackberry announced Q1 results and they were worse than expected, despite the recent launch of the Z10/Q10. I would not be surprised if long term they end up focusing on enterprise services over handsets.
ETA: Having said that I do think the Q10/Z10 look great so it'll be a shame if they can't get enough traction.
Before I switched to Blackberry I said I would never give up my Palm, lol.
Courier Expert

Website Admin said:
How cheap can you get a comparable Android phone? I think you can get an iPhone 4 (maybe s) for free or nearly free on a reasonable contract.
Most phones are free on a contract, however on pay as you go, I think the Andoid phones can be purchased very cheaply.

I'm not going to be getting an iPhone just to run the app. My current phone is a Windows phone, my next one will be too. To run the Courier Exchange app I have a Lenovo Ideapad A2107, 7 inch tablet with wifi 3G and GPS, and it's perfect for that with the bonus that it saves running the phone battery down. So I'd look forward to a mtvan Android app too.

I use a Galaxy S3 & would also use an mtvan Android app if one was available.
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