cx rules on forum

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Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Original Poster
  • Flamers attempt to assert their authority or establish a position of superiority over other users. A flamer is simply an individual who believes he or she carries the only valid opinion. This leads him or her to personally attack those who disagree. An Internet user typically generates a flame response to other posts or users posting and such a response is usually not constructive, does not clarify a discussion, and does not persuade others.

  • An Internet troll, or simply trolling, is someone who posts controversial and irrelevant or off-topic messages in a chat room, with the intention of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

Website Admin


What's up Rob?

I agree we've had a few trollish posts on the site over the last month or too.

Is CX full of trolling posts?

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Original Poster

Nothings up....just a lot of cx threads start off fine but seem to degenerate to abusive and derogatory comments...which scare off a lot of people from commenting.

Seems a shame when the whole point is to share info, ask advice etc etc.
We've had a couple or 3 on here, and i don't think its on, and should be dealt with so that this can be a happy place with a bit of banter thrown in.
The way that anyone can join without paying means it is open to abuse....thats not my issue, but when someone does deliberately go out to cause trouble it needs dealing with asap

I agree Rob.

1.  What do you suggest the solution is for members who use the forums as a method of winding up other members and/or a belittling/devaluing a thread.

2.  How about if I come on here and state something factually accurate like I did this morning, another member is a tosser?

Kind regards



Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Original Poster

well there is nothing stopping anyone putting just needs admin or a moderator to dlete anything like that as soon as poss...cos these things have a way of getting out of control VERY quickly.

As for factual name calling.....i don't think a forum is the place to have a slanging match between 2 parties....although it is hard not to bite when someone is dissing you without all the facts.
We should have a 3 strikes and you're out in my opinion....and perhaps something in place to stop someone joining purely to wind others up....wot that is i don't know

When all reasonable methods have failed, another member is a repeat offender and there is a chain of evidence to prove it and if is clear that the same member never grew up and behaves like he is still in the playground, what do you suggest?

Kind regards



Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Original Poster

this is exactly wot i'm talking about..we have 2 x members who clearly aren't seeing eye to eye that takes over a thread...this is not the place to do it is it?

Website Admin


Don't have time to give a very in depth opinion on this right now, however I do agree with Rob that things can and do get out of hand very quickly.

I also agree that there are a small number of people on many forums who spoil it for the majority, and this is something we want to avoid (see the mention on the forum index that has always been there). A moderator could be the answer, however I'm reluctant to give too much power to an individual who may not be impartial. I intend to gear the forum towards community moderation (that's a whole different topic to look up), and if we get it right I think we'd be able to keep the forum a friendly place without too much direct intervention (also undesirable).

There is another side of this that you haven't mentioned which is as bad as 'trollers' can be (and I'd still attribute 99% blame on them), those on the receiving end of their comments need to not have too thin skin. Frequently I see a fairly minor remark made by someone having a poke being turned into a full scale war by the other side as a result of having such thin skin. Normally if you let such comments roll off your back a little the trolls get bored and will go and play elsewhere.

Website Admin


Speed Couriers: this is not the place to do it is it?

Quite right, I have removed offending posts from this thread and locked it. I do have a nice solution to this kind of thing that I'll try to get round implementing soon.

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