Fairfuel update
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Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd
So three quarters of the electorate want lower fuel prices?
Statistics estimate the (known) adult UK population to number iro 50, my very simple arithmetic that equates to 38,173.737 = 3/4...yet only 142,238 signatures on the fair fuel Petition...and just over 200,000 supporters signed up to the where the H**L are the they live on another planet...are they all illiterate or just too damned complacent/lazy/disinterested/self centred to make the effort to show some solidarity.
We have supported this from the outset, Mrs CLS has written countless emails to our MP asking for his support and sent links etc to everyone she could think the forlorn hope that the UK might just develop B***s and take a leaf from the French on how to protest successfully.
Not a chance!
The back door tactics of this and previous Govt's passed unnoticed or were simply ignored and left it wide open for the stitch up we are now witnessing.
There will never be protests on a big scale like the early 2000's because there now exists the legal powers to prevent such an (illegal) event being organised...Police Powers increased...The Dept for Transport & it's subsidiaries such as Traffic Commissioners have the powers (if they chose to exercise them) to terminate a company's 'O' License if their employees take part in such us every which way...head and brick wall syndrome.
Makes me very angry...made jobs...never been unemployed in 30+ years...researched and started own business...going very trailer laws kick in...2/3 of business now has to cease...cost of fuel soaring...decision time...not an easy one to make not want to join the queue at Job Centre...just want to get on doing what I enjoy...but fuel cost projections make very dreary reading...and the Hoops to be jumped through to comply with new laws are financially prohibitive to the owner/driver business.
If this country ever finds it's spirit again and unites it could be formidable but methinks Hell freezing over offers better odds.
Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd
The Government relies on us dong nothing. Too much apathy, a lot of moanin but NO action.
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