Posted a job from Hereford to Bradford and was contacted by Knightz Ltd of Nottingham who quoted and accepted the job. He said he was two minutes away from the pickup and returning to Nottingham. A couple of minutes later, after telling my customer the collection would be in less than 30 minutes, I rang him back with the details, only to be told he had taken another job to Heathrow. Nice one Knightz.
Let Down.
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3D Courier Services

3D Courier Services

By the way, I must mention that Badger Courier Services came to the rescue proving that there are some Knights of the road. Well done Andrew.
Doo Moves

Sorry i couldn't help you out today, Already busy , glad to see you got it covered.
3D Courier Services

No problem Mark, will definitely contact you again. Thanks.
No problem, Happy to help. I saw the job when it was posted but didn't quote as it was marked ASAP and I'm about an hour from the collection point.
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