Subbed job courier job done ok. Customer rang product missing rang subbie who finds it has jumped out of filing cabinet. Goods are not returned to customer no communication. I had to make 19 phone calls to contact him. Eventually I collected goods and travelled 30 miles to return and apologize. Can I claim compensation from subbie I spent whole day correcting the problem. Or just put feedback on the other exchange.
Lost gods In transit then found
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moray couriers

Put it down as an act of GOD :-)

I think youre right. I was only having a rant.
I lost god when I left school aged 14.
RGM Courier Services

I've never found god. Can't see any evidence of his existence.
Manadon Despatch

I'm a Satanist so it doesn't matter to me whether God exists or not.
Scott Reid

If you think that's bad, try working in the "Gods! Lost and Found".
It's a nightmare in there! Hundreds and thousands of omnipotent beings parting waves, creating worlds, whipping up apocalyptic storms, raising the dead! Every single one of them trying to out-do the others to prove who is the one true God!
The place was an absolute mess!
Oh, how sheepishly they all looked at me when I finally lost my rag and shouted at them;
"Omnipotent, omnipresent beings with the ability to perform miracles you may well all be! But none of you can prove yourself to be the one true God until you can remember, WHERE THE F**K YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE, now, PACK IT IN!"
"And YOU, AYE YOU JESUS, clean up that bloody tempest!"
"That's it, who threw that bloody thunderbolt!".
Mr G Courier Service

And the moral of the story is... When posting, if a red line appears under the word you spell then right click and choose the correct version of the word.
I cant belive how many peeple on here are so garammaticcaly incorrect even with a spellckecker to help!
AM-PM Despatch

Wats a spelchquer?
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