On holiday from 10th to 17th July, on return when newer van arrives, hoping to be starting new from Sth Wales (Bridgend) to Heathrow area. So if looking for space please message me, thanks Gary.
New run
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GB Distributors (Bridgend)


But no GIT uploaded?
GB Distributors (Bridgend)

Once new van sorted will post new policy details
GB Distributors (Bridgend)

Sorry Dennis, but having checked piles of drivers not showing GIT , more than 50%. I also know this is not good or proper. Gary
50% with no GIT? Or 50% who haven't bothered to upload it.
I can't upload my GIT as i don't do courier work, i am merely the middle man, I have the work (which i've spent a very long time getting) and i cover it with my couriers, or with sub contractors such as you.
But, something I don't understand, is why this is an open forum, why mtvan allow members to join for free. Don't get me wrong, i'm not one that is against newbies or potential newbies asking questions to help them decide whether this is an industry to join or not, but there are plenty of places to ask other than here. Is that a reason to let everyone view our personal views on whatever the subject matter may be?
This forum should be for couriers who have already done their homework , for those that have an ounce of knowledge about the industry they have decided to get involved in, or have fallen into.
I want an exchange site that has done the checking, so i don't have to. I want an exchange site with members who can't join unless they have uploaded their insurance details or whatever details we decide makes you a bonafide courier, as opposed to someone with a few spare hours a week to spend playing at driving for a living.
The directory should be full of real couriers or courier companies that have real couriers, not someone that signed in to have a look around.
I understand mtvan have said they have tightened things up, but i can see this post without even having to sign up, and i don't think that's right... What do you think?

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd said:
50% with no GIT? Or 50% who haven't bothered to upload it.
I can't upload my GIT as i don't do courier work, i am merely the middle man, I have the work (which i've spent a very long time getting) and i cover it with my couriers, or with sub contractors such as you.
But, something I don't understand, is why this is an open forum, why mtvan allow members to join for free. Don't get me wrong, i'm not one that is against newbies or potential newbies asking questions to help them decide whether this is an industry to join or not, but there are plenty of places to ask other than here. Is that a reason to let everyone view our personal views on whatever the subject matter may be?
This forum should be for couriers who have already done their homework , for those that have an ounce of knowledge about the industry they have decided to get involved in, or have fallen into.
I want an exchange site that has done the checking, so i don't have to. I want an exchange site with members who can't join unless they have uploaded their insurance details or whatever details we decide makes you a bonafide courier, as opposed to someone with a few spare hours a week to spend playing at driving for a living.
The directory should be full of real couriers or courier companies that have real couriers, not someone that signed in to have a look around.
I understand mtvan have said they have tightened things up, but i can see this post without even having to sign up, and i don't think that's right... What do you think?
Agreed, I couldn't put it better myself. This is one of the reason I will not renew my subs. Just lately I have been posting work on here, but just seems to me some are on here to take the p**s. That's not what I'm looking for out of an exchange site. I
i Want subbies that can do the job as requested & fully insured. Maybe if these checks was done, then i think more companies may use the site more.
AJM sameday Couriers

East-Lancs Sameday Couriers Ltd said:
Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd said:
50% with no GIT? Or 50% who haven't bothered to upload it.
I can't upload my GIT as i don't do courier work, i am merely the middle man, I have the work (which i've spent a very long time getting) and i cover it with my couriers, or with sub contractors such as you.
But, something I don't understand, is why this is an open forum, why mtvan allow members to join for free. Don't get me wrong, i'm not one that is against newbies or potential newbies asking questions to help them decide whether this is an industry to join or not, but there are plenty of places to ask other than here. Is that a reason to let everyone view our personal views on whatever the subject matter may be?
This forum should be for couriers who have already done their homework , for those that have an ounce of knowledge about the industry they have decided to get involved in, or have fallen into.
I want an exchange site that has done the checking, so i don't have to. I want an exchange site with members who can't join unless they have uploaded their insurance details or whatever details we decide makes you a bonafide courier, as opposed to someone with a few spare hours a week to spend playing at driving for a living.
The directory should be full of real couriers or courier companies that have real couriers, not someone that signed in to have a look around.
I understand mtvan have said they have tightened things up, but i can see this post without even having to sign up, and i don't think that's right... What do you think?
Agreed, I couldn't put it better myself. This is one of the reason I will not renew my subs. Just lately I have been posting work on here, but just seems to me some are on here to take the p**s. That's not what I'm looking for out of an exchange site. I
i Want subbies that can do the job as requested & fully insured. Maybe if these checks was done, then i think more companies may use the site more.
I'm available £1.25 per mile but not Friday afternoon cos the m6 too busy
AJM sameday Couriers said:
East-Lancs Sameday Couriers Ltd said:
Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd said:
50% with no GIT? Or 50% who haven't bothered to upload it.
I can't upload my GIT as i don't do courier work, i am merely the middle man, I have the work (which i've spent a very long time getting) and i cover it with my couriers, or with sub contractors such as you.
But, something I don't understand, is why this is an open forum, why mtvan allow members to join for free. Don't get me wrong, i'm not one that is against newbies or potential newbies asking questions to help them decide whether this is an industry to join or not, but there are plenty of places to ask other than here. Is that a reason to let everyone view our personal views on whatever the subject matter may be?
This forum should be for couriers who have already done their homework , for those that have an ounce of knowledge about the industry they have decided to get involved in, or have fallen into.
I want an exchange site that has done the checking, so i don't have to. I want an exchange site with members who can't join unless they have uploaded their insurance details or whatever details we decide makes you a bonafide courier, as opposed to someone with a few spare hours a week to spend playing at driving for a living.
The directory should be full of real couriers or courier companies that have real couriers, not someone that signed in to have a look around.
I understand mtvan have said they have tightened things up, but i can see this post without even having to sign up, and i don't think that's right... What do you think?
Agreed, I couldn't put it better myself. This is one of the reason I will not renew my subs. Just lately I have been posting work on here, but just seems to me some are on here to take the p**s. That's not what I'm looking for out of an exchange site. I
i Want subbies that can do the job as requested & fully insured. Maybe if these checks was done, then i think more companies may use the site more.
I'm available £1.25 per mile but not Friday afternoon cos the m6 too busy
At least it's cheaper than £3 per mile lol
AM-PM Despatch

As a professional sameday subby I'm available at a price. That price is a minimum of 85pplm - Combo 2000 1.7cdti. By professional I mean collecting on time, text or call on collection/del. Courteous manner with customers. For a dedicated express delivery £1plm is not unreasonable but how many subbers will pay that?
I calculated my costs over the average of 50k /annum as 25p per mile (bearing in mind average speed, some London work, loading/unloading/waiting = 30mph) Over 75k approx 22p per mile This takes into account Insurance, phone, maintenance, depreciation etc.
PS. As soon as I'm 55 I'm out of this business as it is the modern day equivalent of the victorian workhouses.
AJM sameday Couriers

AM-PM Despatch said:
As a professional sameday subby I'm available at a price. That price is a minimum of 85pplm - Combo 2000 1.7cdti. By professional I mean collecting on time, text or call on collection/del. Courteous manner with customers. For a dedicated express delivery £1plm is not unreasonable but how many subbers will pay that?
I calculated my costs over the average of 50k /annum as 25p per mile (bearing in mind average speed, some London work, loading/unloading/waiting = 30mph) Over 75k approx 22p per mile This takes into account Insurance, phone, maintenance, depreciation etc.
PS. As soon as I'm 55 I'm out of this business as it is the modern day equivalent of the victorian workhouses.
Only a year to go then
GB Distributors (Bridgend)

Sorry boys I think you got the wrong end of the stick on my original post. This is not a newbie. I have been couriering for quite a while now. All I was doing was offering an mtvan on some return trips to try and offer a back load to you if you were stuck! I am not here trying to take the piss as suggested, it is to pay the mortgage My vehicles are adequately insured to do the job. So just to say, I hope to run daily between Sth Wales and London if the contract comes in and if I can help I will. As one of your company statements say.. We take same day courier service seriously. Thanks Gary
Andy McTighe

The only places/people that I know that check your insurances properly (meaning GIT, P/L and proper H&R) are Royal Mail and Shed5 - one of them won't tell you who their couriers are for obvious reasons and the other doesn't have much work on it.
Catch 22 isn't it? I'm on both by the way if you want a subbie from time to time, and I don't even charge £3!
No G. I. T. no work.
RGM Courier Services

Saddlebow Deliveries said:
No G. I. T. no work.
+1. Sums up all of the above.
Jesus, GIT is quite inexpensive for O/D's
Anyone operating seriously wouldn't even question having it.
Haven't checked but I think around £225 :00 would cover G. I. T and public liability together = to £0.62p per day and would give £25,000 G. I. T and around £5,000,000 public liability cover a no brainer really.
Will have to dig out the policy and give the correct price One insurance is the broker I use and cant fault em
In my area and just locally 50 miles radius there are 151 "couriers " registered and only 56 of them including my self have valid insurance details logged with mtvan "appalling results " that's over 80%
Come on mtvan. Lets get professional. Ask for proof of G. I. T. Etc. No proof, no access to the site.
AJM sameday Couriers

GB Distributors (Bridgend) said:
Sorry boys I think you got the wrong end of the stick on my original post. This is not a newbie. I have been couriering for quite a while now. All I was doing was offering an mtvan on some return trips to try and offer a back load to you if you were stuck! I am not here trying to take the piss as suggested, it is to pay the mortgage My vehicles are adequately insured to do the job. So just to say, I hope to run daily between Sth Wales and London if the contract comes in and if I can help I will. As one of your company statements say.. We take same day courier service seriously. Thanks Gary
Don't worry mate there are lot's of arses on here that are very good at assuming, have a good holiday mate.
+1 and 2 and 3
Why does everyone bang on about G. I. T so much which is the cheap one surley if they dont have H&R insurance in the first instance would the G. I. T not be invalid in the event of a claim. If your serious as a sameday subbie for on here you should have to upload H&R, G. I. T and P/L if you dont have all three equals no work in my eyes.
Couldn't agree more Ian, but many are purely interested in whether their goods are covered rather than the driver carrying them, and as you point out its the cheapest to get, so if you can't even be bothered to upload that doc then says it all for me... And any exchange site that deems that as the only criteria will get the calibre of members it deserves. Having said that GIT to join is better than nothing at all to join so its a start
I got a email from anyvan, who have staryed an exchange site of there called anyvan pro. The first 1000 members get free membership for a year, which is now gone. I joined about a week ago to see what the crack is, but before you join they want to see your insurances before you get any access. I think in my opinion this is how it should be done.
Schofields couriers said:
Why does everyone bang on about G. I. T so much which is the cheap one surley if they dont have H&R insurance in the first instance would the G. I. T not be invalid in the event of a claim. If your serious as a sameday subbie for on here you should have to upload H&R, G. I. T and P/L if you dont have all three equals no work in my eyes.
Well said ian
GB Distributors (Bridgend)

Hi jacked, this post was not about insurance. All above statements are true no proper insurance no passing on of work! Again I was just saying, I hope to grow my business with a new contract between the two points and offering space when available Just didn't realise so many of us were so negative!
GB Distributors (Bridgend) said:
Hi jacked, this post was not about insurance. All above statements are true no proper insurance no passing on of work! Again I was just saying, I hope to grow my business with a new contract between the two points and offering space when available Just didn't realise so many of us were so negative!
Not negative!
I think most who want another courier to do their work, would not be happy having their stuff co loaded.
ALL of my work for instance is mega URGENT and delivery could not be jeopardised by someone doing a mini multi drop!
[There are exceptions, but as rare as rocking horse shit]
I am afraid this is where exchange sites fall down, as there are different types of courier services that certainly do NOT come under the same umbrella.
Atlas express have introduced a starter pack. All docs etc have to be verified before they will consider passing out any work. Perhaps mtvan could follow suit.
For all you who are more concerned on H+R, Shed5 are now checking H+R policies and of course GIT, but even though some state theirs no work? How do you know... Just because its not advertised doesnt mean theirs work, I believe theirs alot going on behind the scenes, ie trusted couriers and no need to post work.. Just a thought, if you want to know more just join shed or network..
This is true of all exchange sites. There is definitely more work that goes on behind the scenes. There are many I now ring direct, particularly if i'm out and about myself. That's the downside for the owners of exchange sites. By sharing their database they make it possible for you and I to add to our own network, so they all look quieter than they actually are. Bit of a nightmare for marketing I guess but that is the nature of the beast. You're unlikely to be posting a previously "unable to cover" job, if you've found an extra half a dozen reliable hard working subbies from the very same exchange site you used to post the jobs on! Stands to reason

I have a one job umbrella cos anymore just confuses me.
Andy McTighe

I have also joined anyvan pro, I am hoping some good will come of it, hopefully it will be different from anyvan, I am not a removals man or an eBay fetcher and carrier. I have had jobs from shed5 members and mtvan but Freightalerts, Shiply and anyvan just clog up your computer with dross.
Mr G Courier Service

Best of luck with that .i had an email from anyvan pro boasting of achieving 13 jobs posted in a month!! although that's better than here cos i don't class car jobs from the usual source as a job.
Andy McTighe

I can only imagine how few car operators have proper insurance and I have them screened those jobs out of my dashboard. I agree there aren't that many jobs posted here either.
Mr G Courier Service said:
Best of luck with that .i had an email from anyvan pro boasting of achieving 13 jobs posted in a month!! although that's better than here cos i don't class car jobs from the usual source as a job.
I got that email aswell lol
I got that email too lol
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