Gas Motorcycle Couriers said:
Just out of curiosity are the details good enough for most people or do they like to physically see a copy of the document?
For me getting rid of the red marker is a good start.
It would be ideal to upload the Document if you havent already, I presume MTVans system checks and validates the information, (it has recognised our certificate so must do).
If your a mbr of SHED5 then there would be no need to check, as this is done physically by Mr MG himself, so no worries.
By doing this at least would show that folk have gone to the trouble of proving they are running legite, I cannot speak for H+R that would have to be done manually via email to whoever asks for it but again is time consuming and of course is more important, Some O/D's even tick the dont need git box this really applies to those who give out work and again I wont entertain such quotes unless its a reputable business.
There are some vendors who will not entertain O/D's whom they dont know, which to a point I can understand, as its a big risk for them to use someone whom they dont know anything about, and at the end of the day its there business your representing.
As mentioned in a another thread its about setting a standard.
No I haven't uploaded the document yet, but will do so. Yes I am a member of Shed & as you say Mike checks them on joining, - personally I think this is a good system.
mtvans recognises that I have a valid GIT Cert as it lists the policy number & details & has Valid highlighted in green, but I haven't loaded an image/copy as yet.
I fully understand peoples reluctance to do business with people they don't know, especially if no obvious insurance details are available. Personally I don't have a problem in uploading my H&R & PL if it helps as you say keeping a standard which would benefit all of us in long run.