Eyup people Anyone know where I can get a mount for trafficmaster sat nav that citroen fit to their range of vans. Its the whole mount including where it fits on the back of the unit.
Sat nav mount
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Fastback Parcel Solutions

Have you tried Citroen? Or Amazon
Fastback Parcel Solutions

Not been near citroen yet and couldnt find anything on eBay or amazon or maybe i need to hunt a little harder... cheers
Is it the control unit or the screen your trying to mount?
If it's the screen you can pick the whole screen up from fleabay for very little,
if it's the box double sided carpet tape works a treat,
The thing I found with smartnav (which is still in my van) it's brilliant at motorways but pretty crap the rest of the time as it's so slow at updating on route, so I had to use a garmin to do street navigation and SN for motorways, now the Garmin and Tom toms do the same job the Smartnav it's now obselete,
As the Smartnav uses a phone signal to download routes if you have NO signal you have No sat nav!
Nothing more frustrating than trying to get a route and that annoying ''smartnav has failed to get your route, Smartnav is retrying'' droning on
They are very much like a computer using the DOS system good in it's day but now very very dated
I would save yourself a whole load of grief and put it back in the box and give it to a museum!
Fastback Parcel Solutions

Ahhh good call, having never used smartnav I just thought it would be a good backup and it came with the van. Its the bracket where it mounts on the back of the unit that appears to have something missing but as you say I will probably forget the idea.
If it's there then there should be a knuckle type affair on the back that has a foot which slides into another bit glued to the dash normally on right handside as you sit at the round steering assembly, if you have the knuckle bit but not the bit on the dash I think I have a spare which I can pop in the post, I think the cost of SN was about £60.00 a year but I think there is a PAYG option too, The only thing I found it really usefull for before I got a smart phone was calling the operator if you got a dodgey address, they would then google it and send you the route,
Fastback Parcel Solutions

Hi Springer I have the knuckle or ball piece that slips onto the sticky dash mount but it seems to be missing the piece that apeears to screw into the back of the unit that the ball joint attatches to... Phew that was long winded. Not even sure I am going to use it now tbh. As you say I don't use much else apart from smart fone knowledge and common sense.
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