Who's getting a good deal on van insurance? Company's are wanting £4500 for years insurance that's taking the pith lol
Van Isurance
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coast to coast post

coast to coast post

Quoteline direct wants £3500 f*** yous lol

Don't bother - go work for the expert.
Mr G Courier Service

Just in case you didn't know the red line that appears under a word is teling you that your word is misspelt. Right click on the word and you will be given the correct spelling. It's easy.. And I'm not taking the pith
Try cornish or bollington
coast to coast post

Ok mr g many thanks lol
coast to coast post

Thanks legrys will have a look
I used to have van insurance from insure courier. Got a good deal aswell. You have the option to have goods in transit and public liabilty included aswell, that way your not shopping around for the 3 seperately.
coast to coast post

Sorted with be wiser hulage insurance at just under $800 :) chuffed
Mr G Courier Service

Hulage? What's that sillage from hull?
coast to coast post

Lol haulage is that better lol
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