Please be aware there maybe a persistent offender lurking about! If you get a lady (with an Essex accent) wanting goods to go in the Essex area usually southend-on-sea it maybe be dodgey, This is how it seems to work,
phone rings, (withheld no) ''do you take credit cards?
''can I have a quote please to pick up goods from A to B?''
You quote a price don't worry if it's £5000 she will still take it, She will give you a card no from an Australian cloned card with made up address as the postcode digits are similar You collect goods things like new fridges and washing machines (I have heard she tried it with £3K of meat) You deliver goods to a none descript address or empty garage, do you end of day banking and the card will be flagged up by the bank as fraud and you will loose the money and or get a visit from the plod as the collection point has your reg no etc, I had had her call a couple of times and she called a local company this morning,