I have just looked at the Courier Work page and there are 132 jobs listed. Only nine of them are marked as sold. Is this really the response that vendors can expect from the site?
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3D Courier Services

3D Courier Services

Admin, I didn't realise that if I make an "not open for bids" booking the details still appear on the courier work page albeit under "sold" I thought this facility was just for "in house" but details can be seen by all.
If you noticed what the vast majority of those 132 jobs were you probably know why.
Having said that I think my success rate on here is about 5%, about 90% of them get no bids, those that do are 5% bids too expensive/can't collect at specified time.
3D Courier Services

Well at least we know that 1132 of the 1141 members must be really busy!
Website Admin

3D Courier Services said:
I have just looked at the Courier Work page and there are 132 jobs listed. Only nine of them are marked as sold. Is this really the response that vendors can expect from the site?
It definitely is a priority to try to get a better response for vendors, but a reality I think is that vendors often don't close or allocate jobs.

Website Admin said:
3D Courier Services said:
I have just looked at the Courier Work page and there are 132 jobs listed. Only nine of them are marked as sold. Is this really the response that vendors can expect from the site?
It definitely is a priority to try to get a better response for vendors, but a reality I think is that vendors often don't close or allocate jobs.
Website Admin said:
3D Courier Services said:
I have just looked at the Courier Work page and there are 132 jobs listed. Only nine of them are marked as sold. Is this really the response that vendors can expect from the site?
It definitely is a priority to try to get a better response for vendors, but a reality I think is that vendors often don't close or allocate jobs.
Until the alerts get sorted out properly this site is unworkable for me I have alerts now turned off and will do until I get a ignore button
Mr G Courier Service

There are 2 companies who seem to monopolise the alerts.
Constantly fishing for the cheapest quote instead of using the directory for that area.
Isn't that what the directory is for? To contact drivers in the locality
Its time we were able to filter alerts from companies that we don't wish to receive alerts from and not just the size of vehicle

I agree with Mr G. I would like to filter out one vendor, as I spend half my day deleting emails & texts for jobs I have no interest in.
This is why I'm not renewing my subs next month. I've had it, I'm still operating but I will be saying goodbye to this site. It's more for cars than proper courier work

East-Lancs Sameday Couriers Ltd said:
This is why I'm not renewing my subs next month. I've had it, I'm still operating but I will be saying goodbye to this site. It's more for cars than proper courier work
I will not be renewing my subs either, a certain person is spoiling this site and admin are willing to let it happen.
Cant disagree with above,
I think the majority are against eBay Tat & car jobs.
Said many times but those type of jobs in my opinion should be on the 'tat sites'
OR a section specifically for that type of work leaving what the majority I am sure want, i.e Urgent well paid jobs!
Sadly this site is going downhill fast
Scott Reid

I always thought that Delivery Supermarket is where those jobs were supposed to go!
RGM Courier Services

East-Lancs Sameday Couriers Ltd said:
This is why I'm not renewing my subs next month. I've had it, I'm still operating but I will be saying goodbye to this site. It's more for cars than proper courier work
Totally agree. Courier Expert (why does nobody else name them?) are drowning this site with non-courier jobs. Also agree with Rapid (that's a first lol) that tat jobs should have a separate section so 'proper' jobs can be viewed easily by proper couriers. I dont bother looking for jobs on here now because they are drowned out by CE jobs, which incidentally, no one seems to quote on anyway. Maybe this is why proper courier companies like Preston mention above, don't get many quotes?
3D Courier Services

So Admin, are you going to listen to your membership?
PB Express

I very much doubt it... Cant see this site going anywhere
Shame as its nice to have an alternative, but it needs to be workable
Ive also given up with the app it's full of week old job's
Website Admin

I agree with Mr G. I would like to filter out one vendor, as I spend half my day deleting emails & texts for jobs I have no interest in.
You should filter out Sameday Retail jobs and that should take care of the majority of them. We're working on filters by vendors so you will soon be able to have even more control over what you see and are alerted to.
I think it's an inevitable growing pain with the site... Not so long ago there was not enough work for anything in particular to bug anyone. Now there's more work it's inevitable that not all of it suits everyone (and yes it is welcomed by many, check the feedback).
Website Admin

3D Courier Services said:
So Admin, are you going to listen to your membership?
Of course 3D. As with the job editing page just the other day, it's my main priority to make things work for our members.
3D Courier Services

Website Admin said:
3D Courier Services said:
So Admin, are you going to listen to your membership?
Of course 3D. As with the job editing page just the other day, it's my main priority to make things work for our members.
Ok, so I may have posted this off topic but can you respond?
Hi, I've just had a play offline and it works so much better now.
What would be really great is if we could then print off an A4 page with just the data showing rather than the old way which I think was a screen shot. This would save me having to it all twice!
Also, the delivery sheet would be better if we could have a "signed by" & time, on collection as well as delivery. Is this possible?
Website Admin

3D Courier Services said:
Website Admin said:
3D Courier Services said:
So Admin, are you going to listen to your membership?
Of course 3D. As with the job editing page just the other day, it's my main priority to make things work for our members.
Ok, so I may have posted this off topic but can you respond?
Hi, I've just had a play offline and it works so much better now.
What would be really great is if we could then print off an A4 page with just the data showing rather than the old way which I think was a screen shot. This would save me having to it all twice!
Also, the delivery sheet would be better if we could have a "signed by" & time, on collection as well as delivery. Is this possible?
Sounds like it makes sense and if I can save you time by making things easier I will. I will reply on the other thread properly tomorrow, I just came back in from a fireworks display late tonight, saw this thread and though I ought to leave a quick reply.
3D Courier Services

Appreciate that.

I put up with this site even though I get nothing out of it apart from reading comments. Not once contacted while using the app and tired off wading through the dross (5 mile jobs). I am sure it will improve over time
BusinessBuddy said:
I put up with this site even though I get nothing out of it apart from reading comments. Not once contacted while using the app and tired off wading through the dross (5 mile jobs). I am sure it will improve over time
The other option is for you to move back to Halifax.. quite a bit of work from that way but no-one suitable to cover.
AJM sameday Couriers

Gas Motorcycle Couriers said:
BusinessBuddy said:
I put up with this site even though I get nothing out of it apart from reading comments. Not once contacted while using the app and tired off wading through the dross (5 mile jobs). I am sure it will improve over time
The other option is for you to move back to Halifax.. quite a bit of work from that way but no-one suitable to cover.
No one suitable to cover, now where have I heard that before?
Website Admin

Until the alerts get sorted out properly this site is unworkable for me I have alerts now turned off and will do until I get a ignore button
Please expand on what you think is wrong with the alerts? I hope you mean until they're more customisable with respect to who you receive them from as oppose to there actually being an error in what you're receiving? Please let me know if you think there's a bug with them.
Website Admin

East-Lancs Sameday Couriers Ltd said:
This is why I'm not renewing my subs next month. I've had it, I'm still operating but I will be saying goodbye to this site. It's more for cars than proper courier work
You have feedback for 10 jobs done for Courier Expert you know... And you can filter out alerts for jobs that specify a car.

Website Admin said:
East-Lancs Sameday Couriers Ltd said:
This is why I'm not renewing my subs next month. I've had it, I'm still operating but I will be saying goodbye to this site. It's more for cars than proper courier work
You have feedback for 10 jobs done for Courier Expert you know... And you can filter out alerts for jobs that specify a car.
No bug just cannot control which alerts I get
Website Admin said:
East-Lancs Sameday Couriers Ltd said:
This is why I'm not renewing my subs next month. I've had it, I'm still operating but I will be saying goodbye to this site. It's more for cars than proper courier work
You have feedback for 10 jobs done for Courier Expert you know... And you can filter out alerts for jobs that specify a car.
Yes but they was for sameday urgent, not sameday retail. I quote on car jobs aswell as small van.

The other option is for you to move back to Halifax.. quite a bit of work from that way but no-one suitable to cover.
It is being considered. I am busy over here and could do with a change (I get bored easily haha)
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