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Calls To Do 4 Mile Jobs... Then Not Accept A Minimum Charge.
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Nathan V Parry

I cant believe they expect anything other than a minimum charge.
I'm sure everyone has min charge, but some vary from others. I've had someone ask me to do 5 mile job for a tenner on my sprinter, i just put the phone down because i can't be bothered with these idiots who expect us to work for peanuts
I've have however had various quotes for local jobs that come into min charge. LWB van mostly vary from £30-£50 for min charge
Deadline Despatch

Im all up for minimums but some peoples are stupid. I was quoted for a small van 8 miles £60?
£20.00 is my minimum charge. When I was with CS you would get a fiver for an 8 mile journey, after walking through part of Cardiff city centre with 10,000 Euros in your hand to deliver to Barry docks. Mad or what?
Deadline Despatch said:
Im all up for minimums but some peoples are stupid. I was quoted for a small van 8 miles £60?
Yep i agree some people are stupid for that kind of price. I mean how much do people think we are our customers, if i could get £60 for an 8 miles job from my customers for small van, i would do them all day everyday in my sprinter lol

When working out a quote I charge a set fee for each address and then a set rate per mile depending on van size asked for. So a total quote becomes less per mile the longer it is.

021 SAMEDAY said:
When working out a quote I charge a set fee for each address and then a set rate per mile depending on van size asked for. So a total quote becomes less per mile the longer it is.
A 4 mile job from an address 10 miles from base would work out at a charge of £19.20 + VAT
Minimum charges vary its true, whether its £15 or £30 or somewhere inbetween, kinda begs the question why some insist on touting for accounts/contracts that pay less and then try and sell them on these sites when they clearly belong elsewhere.
021 SAMEDAY said:
When working out a quote I charge a set fee for each address and then a set rate per mile depending on van size asked for. So a total quote becomes less per mile the longer it is.
Unfortunately some differ, I for one have a min charge regardless of distance, and the price per mile stays the same regardless of distance so theres no complication of price per mile, that way it weeds out those who want cheap.
A E Delivery

£25 upto the point per mile kicks in
Andy McTighe

£30 for 1 - 30 miles

Since we are on the subject of stupid prices i responded to a job put up on here - when i asked what they were paying...£70 for a 142 mile run... Had it not been an mtvan member i would have spoken my mind but rather politely declined and put the fone down!
A E Delivery

PARCEL i said:
Since we are on the subject of stupid prices i responded to a job put up on here - when i asked what they were paying...£70 for a 142 mile run... Had it not been an mtvan member i would have spoken my mind but rather politely declined and put the fone down!
Sameday then they can bugger off , thats the price of the fuel alone. If they expect a co-load then they had better be chilled about the dates and times the items getting there and 70 is fair enough

I have a £30 minimum, i don't even bother to call for minimum charge GTMs anymore, as invariably, the people advertising the GTM haven't even charged their customer at least a minimum charge, and don't want to pay mine. Now maybe if i had a van that costs nothing to run...
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