I've just been contacted by my local City Sprint branch, they wanted to arrange a meeting for tomorrow. Have any of you guys dealt with them before? If so tell me what to expect or not to expect, i.e. rates, hours, etc
City Sprint?
Posted in General Discussion.Skip To Latest
Tigz transport

I started with City Sprint many years ago. Still have contacts there.
Someone I know went for an interview/chat last Friday at Medway.
Great place to start. Most couriers do not stay long. I regularly got backloads at full rate, without which I could not have survived. They tell you that you can do other work. This works well until you are unavailable, then their position changes.
4 years ago they paid approx. £0.50 plm for a small van. They will not tell you the rate you will get. I bet you a large amount of cash they will say "it depends...". My understanding is that the current rate is £0.55 plm for a small van at the Medway depot.
If you can keep them at arms length and make yourself available returning from long trips it would be well worthwhile. If not, well I'll leave that one to you. Nice talking to you last week.
Tigz transport

Cheers Tony, I've heard a few horror stories about them, so yea may just be keeping them as a return load contact.
Good luck with your meet Nick.
They charge £15 per week for their PDA/tracker and mileage rate is low.
They have one of the worst reputations in the industry. Here are some comments from customers:
"Have been automatically switched from Lewis Day to City sprint. The worst courier company our business ever used. Always late, unreliable and very rude staff. Avoid!"
"Absolutely awful, will never reccommend to anyone, had so many problems with these idiots, also the way the speak to you on the phone leaves much to be desired! Avoid them"
"City Sprint? More like snails. They have hidden charges over and above what they quote. They arrive late for collections, late for deliveries and they don't seem to know what they're talking about when you chase them up. Certainly not what they say they are. I'll never use them again!"
Just a few of the many negative reviews out there.
If that's the way they deal with customers, you can imagine how they deal with Couriers.
This is one Company that is screwing it up for everyone else.
And they charge as little as 85p per mile. You do the maths.
Tigz transport

Yea I've heard alot of bad stuff about them they just wrang me out of the blue today an asked if I would be interested! An of course work being the way it is I jump at the chance and arrange to meet them tommorow at 2, but now I've realized who they were starting to doubt my decision lol
Nah you gotta go...even if it just endorses wot you already know or have heard.
Tigz transport

Exactly, good service isn't important any more. Just cheap an a lot of damages is the main criteria for couriers nowadays.
PTC Sameday

I went to see Rico some time back. Before I took a form from them I asked what their rates were but was told they don't discuss rates. So I said I'm not going to fill out a form if I don't know what they pay first. I was eventually told 65pplm, at which point I scoffed and left!
PTC Sameday

That was the rate for a SWB Transit by the way.
Rico and City Sprint operate exactly the same as each other. I'd avoid both if it were me.
City Sprint turn £60m for a profit of £3.5m.
Rico turn £40m for a profit of £2m.
Any company turning that amount with such a small pre-tax profit suggests things aren't right. And it's the price they charge: unrealistically low, and the driver is the loser every time, as are all the rest of us in the industry who (because of them) are unable to increase prices to where they should be.
Because of these two customers get used to their rates and sadly performance is secondary.
I worked for about 18 months back, mmm what can I say?
50p or so a mile for your local branch but because you are visable to their system via the 'tracker' (which you have to rent). Then a regional branch can send you work also, but they decide what to pay you. i.e. if it's cheaper to get you to do it then they will use you not their own driver.
I did a Southampton to Bristol right into the centre, lot's of messing about took me 2 hours out of my way and I got my invoice through and they gave me £35!
You will need to keep any eye on invoicing. We went through our invoices after a few months and clawed back £400 in mistakes. On the upside they pay after 2 weeks so you get a good cashflow to help with diesel for 'proper' work which helps when you first start up but as for a long term thing didn't work for me.
One word of advice: Stay away from them!
Even Lewis day controllers were unhappy about going across to them. I used to cover some of Lewis days work out of B'ham & they used to really slag off City Sprint. I then got a call out the blue back in November saying City Sprint had just bought them out and even they were left in the dark about the take over. They asked me whether I'd still be happy to cover their work whilst there under going the full merge. Had to politely decline as I was once one of their drivers going some 10yrs ago and saw how they treated drivers. Initially we were one of lucky few as we'd had small set up under them and only had about 10 drivers and 1 bike until they merged with a company from Coventry called MPC. Opened an office in Warwick where they wanted us to operate from. As soon as that happened slowly one by one we'd all left. Last I heard our controller who was a top bloke died whilst working for them. The company basically treated him like crap and his wife who also worked for them.
To summarise, I think what we're all saying is they're rubbish.
Tigz transport

That's a nice way of putting it lol
I'll go see wot they say at 2pm then I'll let you guys know.
It will give us something to laugh about!
I'd go as far as saying they are rubbish and def one to stay away from.
Rico just as bad, they don't even acknowledge a person standing at their drivers window to ask who you are and what you're after. You could be a customer!
I find it's same across the whole board of large established companies. i.e. TNT, City Link lack of customer service, communication in person and on the phone.
So why do they have the market share of our business?
It's due to them being able to do the job we do put at much cheaper rate & to undercut us to a extreme to make it even possible for the likes of us to compete with. If the average Joe Bloggs out there who's built a reputable company over the years of hard work has now decided enough is enough & getting harder to compete rather than throwing the hat in he's decided if u can't beat em may as well join them, so they get larger we stay the same with out the same playing field of a budget that they've got it's a cheap job people want not a quality one these day's, city sprint have some of the top financial companies as there customers i.e. Price Waterhouse Coopers KPMG Goldman Sachs & they bend over backwards for these guys. These companies spend stupid money with City Sprint they order a van just to go to some young yuppie house to pick up a pair of shoes for a fancy ball he may have that night or even his tie tuxedo & go as far as drive them home after a heavy night of drinking, these things I've seen happen first hand.
No one cares about there reputation as they are in amongst some of the biggest players of the financial industries, PWC just alone have vans coming in & out of there all day long even one to deliver their mail to Royal Mail sorting office & one to collect all there sacks of mail in the morning. So can imagine how much money there spending just out of the one office in b'ham let alone the rest of them across the country.
Its shame its the accountants running firms rather than the people who actually want the service we all deliver....to get sooo many bad reviews, to continually add hidden charges, for continually turning up late for collections, late for deliveries cos they've done a detour...and to still get the business.....very frustrating for us that pride ourselves on offering a 1st class service.
We all consider ourselves small... and against these 2 players (Rico and City Sprint) we are.....but collectively?.....
Should we all roll over and die or "join forces" with these guys?...or can we do something about it by offering a better alternative.
We know we're all better but we're all shouting in the wind...no one can here us...so wot are we going to do about it?
Tigz transport

I'm not got lower my standards or prices to work for.
These guys but if there a back load where I'm tipping I will give them a call as we all every little helps at the moment.
So back load contact yes but if they want me to spend money on their uniforms an trackers etc. They can do one.
The only weapon I've got is they rang me I'd never emailed sent a letter or anything to theses guys so they have took the time to look for me.
Only thing we can do is stick together join forces where we can & with the help of sites like mtvan and Courier Exchange is the only way to try & compete with them price wise but problem we come across is the price to pay owner drivers, as guys like city sprint can get away with paying there drivers peanuts, we'd like to be able to pay the drivers fairly & still try to make a profit, that way drivers happy we're happy & our customers happy.
I like to advertise much bigger than I am but it's only with the help of site's like these where on, that we can look to be of a bigger company than we are by offering our customers the best & cheapest price possible with out shooting our self's in the foot. All City Sprint does is buy out loads of companies & then make themselves look more available on demand & give there customers a 60min time frame pick up which in effect any body can do. It's the sheer volume in what they deal with, with there finger in every pie that gives them that edge. They've even got in to the medical sector virtually taken over our pharmaceuticals by sticking in their own drivers in there & pay em a *** wage pushing out our own drivers who were on a good wage.
In real terms they're more or less like Courier Exchange with out having a online presence & just use their own driver's. To someone new to the game it's looks all glorified, they'll get you a van, get you your insurance, they'll make you a millionaire over night. All you got to do is pay for your own fuel, so he thinks great no headache no maintenance cost until you get stung with a heavy bill for your van rental & take our your insurance cost uniform, cost xda livery. Before you know it all you've earned is about £200 for the week and you realise you got no diesel money for the following week.
I went for an interview last week (see giving up post). City Sprint also have the RS contract for the MOD, whenever I go to some of these bases they ask if I'm City Sprint' tell them no and ask why?
They then go on and tell me about the *** up's and the all the other tricks they try to pull to make more money and how much they hate them. I have been to about 60% of RAF bases in the UK and used to go to RAF Guttersloh on a regular basis. Now City Sprint do most of these bases at a *** rate and *** most of them up with the rest of us left with a lot less work and doing a decent job.
Around two months ago I was doing an AOG to Prestwick. About 500yds away from the main gate I noticed a smart car in front of me with it's arse end nearly on the floor pull in to the gate. Yes you guessed it City sprint. Spoke to the guards on the way out why he was still sitting outside in his smart car and was told, City Sprint, driver could not speak English, and did not have a British passport or British driving license. So you can now see what we are up against.
Point2point, did you know that Rico joined Courier Exchange about three months ago?
Basingstoke couriers no I never knew RICO joined the Courier Exchange if they have I ain't seen any of there job's posted on there & as for City Sprint & RS Components... They've had that contract for about 6yrs now. RS Components themselves are a pain in the backside, hard to deal with, too much red tape health safety crap. There's no logic in having a booking in time & then make you wait to be of loaded beyond your booking in time slot.
As for there smart car driver unable to speak English, well let's say that's nothing new. Majority of the drivers that operate out of central London can't speak English & same goes for majority of the security personal working on the London Olympic site are unable to speak English it's just a case of cheaper labor!
Manjit, Took time to look up your name this time (sorry).
Rico Logistics Ltd CX ID 65417.
Thanks for that, no need to apologise make no difference being called by my trading name or personal name... :-)
Yeah I noticed Rico on there last week, but like you no postings... maybe they're just snooping. They're better off staying off exchange sites cos they wouldn't like the rates anyway.... anything over 50p a mile and they'd have a cardiac.
Tigz transport

Sssshhhhhh in the meeting now, been left in a room for last 10 min not a good start lol
Have they got their sewing kit out?
Make sure you don't eat the biscuits they will take them out of your wages!
*** both of them. I have worked for both City Sprint and Rico from Birmingham depots.
City Sprint was great at the beginning but turn bad with rates i used to del to the mod i had a regular run down to Gosport and a place next to it i would be paid from the base to the drop both times real money how ever like all things they cracked onto this and started to give you different rate if you had 3 drops on you would get 3 different rates.
I just had a driver in who said he called Rico half an hour ago.
The mileage rate for a small van is between 45ppm-51ppm, I said that's good round trip money, oh it wasn't it was loaded rate.
And he said business is dead at the moment.
Obviously tigz got an immediate start and must be on his way to Aberdeen or something as he hasn't reported in yet!
Tigz transport

Soz about delay had to gently persuade lol someone to settle an account.
I gotta start by saying tony u lost the bet they opened the meeting with stating current rate (pittance) £0.68p then went on tell me they wanted £40 for magnetic signs and then £7.50pw for a PDA then Evan more for uniform and even more to my surprise they asked what my level d was for! Are you joking you got all these motors on your fleet you spent last half hour telling me about all the work you've just gotten an u don't no what a level is.
Bigg-in Couriers

So when do you start Tigz lol
Tigz transport

haha TOMOZ lol
Na I told them I'd give them a bell when I need a backload, other than that they're no good to me.
PTC Sameday

The fact that I've just ordered BIG vinyl signs for my van tells you that I for one will not be doing any multi-drop work!
Tigz transport

They wanted a £40 deposit for em I can buy my own locally 2 for £10.
Tigz transport

Any way so if any of you wanna work for £0.68p one way swb rate and pay for: Uniform, PDA and signs then City Sprint is the company for you.
Lol @ tigz so there still up to there usual tricks making u spend money before earning it & money useless crap, your van they want you to pay for magnetic strips to advertise there company & charge you £40 for it plus rental of a xda which in long run cheaper to buy yourself & stick there software on it & rates have not changed for the past 10yrs & yet find more ways to take money of you rather than give u... load of ***.
But you still get the idiots that are willing to do it.
...and everyone that does is helping put us all out of business.
Just noticed they now have a price calculator on their site (maybe they did before? I've never noticed).
Priced up a few jobs and the rates given look more like cost-price than end-user quotes.
Honestly, I don't know how that is sustainable with timed delivery courier work. I presume most of their drivers are subbies either on a return journey or hoping to get one on the way back?
City Sprint use subbies most of the time and pay under the 'normal' going rate but with the amount of branches they have you can make up on dead mileage how ever if the a branch has a job and they can see you on the tracker they will phone you and renegotiate the rate down further to make it cheaper rather than sending a driver from their own branch.
I worked for them when we first started as we didn't have a £5K float to start with so it helped with cash flow as they pay every week once you get over the first two weeks, lets face they must be one of the longest running companies in the country so they must be doing it right!
How often would you say you managed to get suitable backloads?
AM-PM Despatch

Nov 2011 they told the rate was 47pplm. Didn't bother to find any more!
I used to do Sameday for Dhl and used to get the heads up what to quote off the transport manager as city sprint where quoting £1.75 Plm and getting plenty of work off them (same price for small van work )
Scott Reid

I like how they offer to refund £2.50 from your London Congestion Charge if you send them the receipt.
I wonder what they'd pay if I offered to sell them my fuel receipts too? :-)
Scott Reid said:
I like how they offer to refund £2.50 from your London Congestion Charge if you send them the receipt.
I wonder what they'd pay if I offered to sell them my fuel receipts too? :-)
Sounds to me all they want to do is claim the £10 against there tax!£10 claimed for outlay of £2.50! So £7.50 against tax for no outlay! Leaving the driver £10 out of pocket against there tax, or both are claiming it. Which ever way can't be legal can it?

City Sprint at the mo are paying 50plm mile but when u get a double up a percentage is deducted of the first and so on.. There so call reason for the plm rate is because they will get u a backload.. The charge for the tracker is £20 a week, charge £1.50 a week for uniform.. As for con charge will only pay once for even f u go in London more than once, obviously there pocketing the extra charge... Not a great company...
Scott Reid

Direct Deliveries (Stroud) said:
Scott Reid said:
I like how they offer to refund £2.50 from your London Congestion Charge if you send them the receipt.
I wonder what they'd pay if I offered to sell them my fuel receipts too? :-)
Sounds to me all they want to do is claim the £10 against there tax!£10 claimed for outlay of £2.50! So £7.50 against tax for no outlay! Leaving the driver £10 out of pocket against there tax, or both are claiming it. Which ever way can't be legal can it?
My point exactly!
Scott Reid

pc couriers said:
City Sprint at the mo are paying 50plm mile but when u get a double up a percentage is deducted of the first and so on.. There so call reason for the plm rate is because they will get u a backload.. The charge for the tracker is £20 a week, charge £1.50 a week for uniform.. As for con charge will only pay once for even f u go in London more than once, obviously there pocketing the extra charge... Not a great company...
The London Congestion Charge is a daily charge, so once you've paid it you are entitled to go in and out of the zone as many times as you like during that day, however I still agree with you. I wouldn't want to work them either.
Scott Reid

Scott Reid said:
Direct Deliveries (Stroud) said:
Scott Reid said:
I like how they offer to refund £2.50 from your London Congestion Charge if you send them the receipt.
I wonder what they'd pay if I offered to sell them my fuel receipts too? :-)
Sounds to me all they want to do is claim the £10 against there tax!£10 claimed for outlay of £2.50! So £7.50 against tax for no outlay! Leaving the driver £10 out of pocket against there tax, or both are claiming it. Which ever way can't be legal can it?
My point exactly!
Not only that though! If they give you a job where you have to enter the congestion zone, surely they should cover that cost!
Any client I have that asks me to go into the congestion zone gets that charge added to their bill (at cost price!, no VAT added since the congestion charge is a non vatable service!).
pc couriers said:
City Sprint at the mo are paying 50plm mile but when u get a double up a percentage is deducted of the first and so on.. There so call reason for the plm rate is because they will get u a backload.. The charge for the tracker is £20 a week, charge £1.50 a week for uniform.. As for con charge will only pay once for even f u go in London more than once, obviously there pocketing the extra charge... Not a great company...
Ahh that old one we only pay you so little as you'll be loaded all the time. If only I had a pound for every time I've heard that one. The trackers are the same as the ones we had on Dhl. There basically a 400 pound phone and you rent it from them with an airtime contract
AJM sameday Couriers

They where paying small van in 2009 46 pence a mile, so my maths say it will be 20 years before they are paying 70 pence a mile.
80ppm for a transit size van. I was turned down today as my other work wont fit around them

Direct Deliveries (Stroud) said:
Scott Reid said:
I like how they offer to refund £2.50 from your London Congestion Charge if you send them the receipt.
I wonder what they'd pay if I offered to sell them my fuel receipts too? :-)
Sounds to me all they want to do is claim the £10 against there tax!£10 claimed for outlay of £2.50! So £7.50 against tax for no outlay! Leaving the driver £10 out of pocket against there tax, or both are claiming it. Which ever way can't be legal can it?
Surprised that they don't want your Tesco Clubcard points from the fuel when you fill up working for them!
I've worked for them. I wouldn't even consider working for them again.
At Lewis Day they used to always make sure you took home proper money and any money owed to company was always taken by small installments until the debt was cleared, but with City Sprint they will take all the money money off no mater how much work you had that week.
They are probably one of the worst companies to work for.
Citysprint have recently bought out Dash it of Southampton (I'm sure Dash It have other depots dotted around).
City Sprint seems to be the richest company in the world. They literally just buy everyone!
That'll be due to all the money they make off the back of the low paid drivers

Phil Bridge of UK Express in Leeds sold out to them recently whilst he was still the chairman of The NCA.
There is a new chairman now!
Scott Reid

They bought out Sameday UK this year too.
JE Couriers LTD

Hi City Sprint, Stay away from them they are curently paying 48p per mile they charge you £17:95 + vat each week for a pda if it works also charge you £3:00 +vat for uniform and insurance. They ask you to collect parcels from places then ask you to meet other drivers that are going that way to give them parcel then dont pay you for collection, they pay £1.50 for amazon deliverys phone your house day and night even if your not on call. Hope this helps I worked out of the Manchester office for over a year the controller there is a complete £ock.

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd said:
City Sprint turn £60m for a profit of £3.5m.
Rico turn £40m for a profit of £2m.
Any company turning that amount with such a small pre-tax profit suggests things aren't right. And it's the price they charge: unrealistically low, and the driver is the loser every time, as are all the rest of us in the industry who (because of them) are unable to increase prices to where they should be.
Because of these two customers get used to their rates and sadly performance is secondary.
Thats good around 5%, other wise you get slated for tax ;)
Courier Expert

SMH said:
Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd said:
City Sprint turn £60m for a profit of £3.5m.
Rico turn £40m for a profit of £2m.
Any company turning that amount with such a small pre-tax profit suggests things aren't right. And it's the price they charge: unrealistically low, and the driver is the loser every time, as are all the rest of us in the industry who (because of them) are unable to increase prices to where they should be.
Because of these two customers get used to their rates and sadly performance is secondary.
Thats good around 5%, other wise you get slated for tax ;)
The general perception has always been that big companies pocket huge margins at the expense of drivers. From these figures, it would appear not. Personally, I would be happy with any profit of 2 to 3.5 million, regardless of how high the turn over is.
AJM sameday Couriers

Work this out, I so a Citysprint driver last Friday in a 2013 Mercedes Citan the cheapest one of these I have seen is £14, 000 how can a driver on 48 pence a mile afford one of these?
S Garner Courier

Courier Expert said:
The general perception has always been that big companies pocket huge margins at the expense of drivers. From these figures, it would appear not. Personally, I would be happy with any profit of 2 to 3.5 million, regardless of how high the turn over is.
But isn't profit after the big boss(es) and all staff have been paid their wages and all incomings and outgoings accounted for? I don't see where you can get the impression that it means they are not pocketing huge margins.
If Rico have turned over £40m and have a profit of £2m then surely that just translates that they've spent £38m? That could be £2m on drivers, £3m on advertising, £3m on admin and £30m on bosses salary and crack parties.
AJM sameday Couriers

S Garner Courier said:
Courier Expert said:
The general perception has always been that big companies pocket huge margins at the expense of drivers. From these figures, it would appear not. Personally, I would be happy with any profit of 2 to 3.5 million, regardless of how high the turn over is.
But isn't profit after the big boss(es) and all staff have been paid their wages and all incomings and outgoings accounted for? I don't see where you can get the impression that it means they are not pocketing huge margins.
If Rico have turned over £40m and have a profit of £2m then surely that just translates that they've spent £38m? That could be £2m on drivers, £3m on advertising, £3m on admin and £30m on bosses salary and crack parties.
Rico spend a fortune on new vans and image
Courier Expert

S Garner Courier said:
Courier Expert said:
The general perception has always been that big companies pocket huge margins at the expense of drivers. From these figures, it would appear not. Personally, I would be happy with any profit of 2 to 3.5 million, regardless of how high the turn over is.
But isn't profit after the big boss(es) and all staff have been paid their wages and all incomings and outgoings accounted for? I don't see where you can get the impression that it means they are not pocketing huge margins.
If Rico have turned over £40m and have a profit of £2m then surely that just translates that they've spent £38m? That could be £2m on drivers, £3m on advertising, £3m on admin and £30m on bosses salary and crack parties.
S Garner Courier said:
Courier Expert said:
The general perception has always been that big companies pocket huge margins at the expense of drivers. From these figures, it would appear not. Personally, I would be happy with any profit of 2 to 3.5 million, regardless of how high the turn over is.
But isn't profit after the big boss(es) and all staff have been paid their wages and all incomings and outgoings accounted for? I don't see where you can get the impression that it means they are not pocketing huge margins.
If Rico have turned over £40m and have a profit of £2m then surely that just translates that they've spent £38m? That could be £2m on drivers, £3m on advertising, £3m on admin and £30m on bosses salary and crack parties.
Advertising, staff wages, admin, rent and accounts are all legitimate expenses. Without it, no company could operate. From my own experience, I would say that the biggest chunk goes out on advertising, staff and drivers. There isn't a lot left after that.
AJM sameday Couriers said:
Work this out, I so a Citysprint driver last Friday in a 2013 Mercedes Citan the cheapest one of these I have seen is £14, 000 how can a driver on 48 pence a mile afford one of these?
Do these drivers actually own their own vans or does City Sprint provide them?
Drivers own or lease the vans. Maybe he had been made redundant
JE Couriers LTD

I think the rates are as follows Small van rate is 48p per loaded mile transit van rate is approx 62p per loaded mile lwb sprinter rate is 84p per loaded mile if i remember right but its a long time ago I worked for them.
But thats if you get paid for the work you do when I worked for them @ the Manchester office I used to get calls to go collect goods from clients to be told go meet another driver and give him the goods you just collected then you didnt get paid for the collection the other trick they pulled on me was not to pay me my travel expenses when I paid out for a ferry to Dublin I had to resort to issuing court papers to get the money I was owed needless to say I stop working for them after that.
A E Delivery

JE Courier Service said:
I think the rates are as follows Small van rate is 48p per loaded mile transit van rate is approx 62p per loaded mile lwb sprinter rate is 84p per loaded mile if i remember right but its a long time ago I worked for them.
But thats if you get paid for the work you do when I worked for them @ the Manchester office I used to get calls to go collect goods from clients to be told go meet another driver and give him the goods you just collected then you didnt get paid for the collection the other trick they pulled on me was not to pay me my travel expenses when I paid out for a ferry to Dublin I had to resort to issuing court papers to get the money I was owed needless to say I stop working for them after that.
48 pence a mile? Sooooo my expert was managing 16 pence a mile costs but with depreciation , insurance , dead miles etc etc it came in at around the 35 pence, this means these jokers are paying 10 pence profit a mile , manage 63 mile in an hour then your on mini wage Given the stopping and starting issues plus traffic etc means you will never manage the base legal requirement, what a shame the rates are so little that no-one can afford to get a test case against these rip off merchants as they clearly are breaking the law
A E Delivery said:
JE Courier Service said:
I think the rates are as follows Small van rate is 48p per loaded mile transit van rate is approx 62p per loaded mile lwb sprinter rate is 84p per loaded mile if i remember right but its a long time ago I worked for them.
But thats if you get paid for the work you do when I worked for them @ the Manchester office I used to get calls to go collect goods from clients to be told go meet another driver and give him the goods you just collected then you didnt get paid for the collection the other trick they pulled on me was not to pay me my travel expenses when I paid out for a ferry to Dublin I had to resort to issuing court papers to get the money I was owed needless to say I stop working for them after that.
48 pence a mile? Sooooo my expert was managing 16 pence a mile costs but with depreciation , insurance , dead miles etc etc it came in at around the 35 pence, this means these jokers are paying 10 pence profit a mile , manage 63 mile in an hour then your on mini wage Given the stopping and starting issues plus traffic etc means you will never manage the base legal requirement, what a shame the rates are so little that no-one can afford to get a test case against these rip off merchants as they clearly are breaking the law
How are they breaking the law? No one is forced to work for them, if it doesn't suit DON'T DO IT
A E Delivery

How are they breaking the law? No one is forced to work for them, if it doesn't suit DON'T DO IT
Knowingly paying less than minimum wage is breaking the law Given its not possible to hit 60 odd mile an hour in this country then its a given no-one in this role can meant the governments minimum standard of pay
More interesting is these cowboys debase everyones income by undercutting via this exploitation of the workforce
Its got to be asked why should you care? Do you have a stake in this?
A E Delivery said:
How are they breaking the law? No one is forced to work for them, if it doesn't suit DON'T DO IT
Knowingly paying less than minimum wage is breaking the law Given its not possible to hit 60 odd mile an hour in this country then its a given no-one in this role can meant the governments minimum standard of pay
More interesting is these cowboys debase everyones income by undercutting via this exploitation of the workforce
Its got to be asked why should you care? Do you have a stake in this?
There is no way alan would have a stake in citysprint, I know him quite well and done a few jobs for him to know exactly the type of person he is. At the end of the day I agree with him, citysprint take advantage of drivers for such low rates. If you don't want to work for them rates then don't work for them simple
AJM sameday Couriers

East-Lancs Sameday Couriers Ltd said:
A E Delivery said:
How are they breaking the law? No one is forced to work for them, if it doesn't suit DON'T DO IT
Knowingly paying less than minimum wage is breaking the law Given its not possible to hit 60 odd mile an hour in this country then its a given no-one in this role can meant the governments minimum standard of pay
More interesting is these cowboys debase everyones income by undercutting via this exploitation of the workforce
Its got to be asked why should you care? Do you have a stake in this?
There is no way alan would have a stake in citysprint, I know him quite well and done a few jobs for him to know exactly the type of person he is. At the end of the day I agree with him, citysprint take advantage of drivers for such low rates. If you don't want to work for them rates then don't work for them simple
While there are people still prepared to work at there rates then why should they pay any more, its not really there fault.
Basingstoke Express Couriers said:
But you still get the idiots that are willing to do it.
I must be an idiot, i got no work and desperate to earn. What is the rate for a car (vauxhall zafira estate)?
obviously, i have to earn lol
A E Delivery

East-Lancs Sameday Couriers Ltd said:
There is no way alan would have a stake in citysprint, I know him quite well and done a few jobs for him to know exactly the type of person he is. At the end of the day I agree with him, citysprint take advantage of drivers for such low rates. If you don't want to work for them rates then don't work for them simple
Seems odd anyone would stick up for the working practices of another company which directly effects there own turnover, hence thought id ask
A E Delivery

AJM sameday Couriers said:
While there are people still prepared to work at there rates then why should they pay any more, its not really there fault.
I see it only newbees work for c/s , newbees dont have the experience to know that the wage received is not a sustainable income , they tend to work for a few months hanging on before the realization kicks in that they have earnt nothing and may even now owe money that can never be recouped , simple exploitation of the innocent , c/s dont mind or care as they know theres a steady stream of the gullible or desperate so a turnover of the work force doesnt trouble them , means they get even more income from the uniform if nothing else

A E Delivery said:
How are they breaking the law? No one is forced to work for them, if it doesn't suit DON'T DO IT
Knowingly paying less than minimum wage is breaking the law Given its not possible to hit 60 odd mile an hour in this country then its a given no-one in this role can meant the governments minimum standard of pay
More interesting is these cowboys debase everyones income by undercutting via this exploitation of the workforce
Its got to be asked why should you care? Do you have a stake in this?
When your self-employed there is no such thing as min wage so there not breaking the law
SMH said:
A E Delivery said:
How are they breaking the law? No one is forced to work for them, if it doesn't suit DON'T DO IT
Knowingly paying less than minimum wage is breaking the law Given its not possible to hit 60 odd mile an hour in this country then its a given no-one in this role can meant the governments minimum standard of pay
More interesting is these cowboys debase everyones income by undercutting via this exploitation of the workforce
Its got to be asked why should you care? Do you have a stake in this?
When your self-employed there is no such thing as min wage so there not breaking the law
Well said

Ive lost one on my big customers that used the vans to someone in nottingham running xlwb at just over £1 plm
Bare in mind its food bags and we had to fill in all the forms to british standard,
now these people (sorry person) is sending in vans with building bags, cement dust and general sh*t in the back of the vans, you can sell dope in the back unreal

And they (he) is less than 0.7m from nottingham and derby

A E Delivery said:
48 pence a mile? Sooooo my expert was managing 16 pence a mile costs but with depreciation , insurance , dead miles etc etc it came in at around the 35 pence, this means these jokers are paying 10 pence profit a mile , manage 63 mile in an hour then your on mini wage Given the stopping and starting issues plus traffic etc means you will never manage the base legal requirement, what a shame the rates are so little that no-one can afford to get a test case against these rip off merchants as they clearly are breaking the law
Look again. That's 48p per LOADED mile - i. e. ONE WAY. Your 35p is round trip (ALL MILES) so that is like 70p per LOADED mile. These jokers are paying 22p a mile LOSS, not profit and sadly all the newbies don't realise until they are in deep mire.
SMH said it right - Self employed is not under the minimum wages rules, you are selling something at whatever price you can get. In this case, CS want to buy something for less than cost and some poor innocents are selling.
What shocks me the most is the prices they charge there customers and the price they give there drivers, that are well raking it in. I done a quote just to see how it would cost for a small van, nearly £2per loaded mile, that's just shocking
They are in business to make as much money as they can, nothing wrong with that.
The problem lies solely with OD's who sink to working for the rates offered! No one else is to blame! If they had difficulties getting drivers to do their work they would have no option other than to increase the price currently offered. This is not Rocket Science it is just how business works.
If you don't like what is offered DON'T DO IT! but no use moaning if you do! Being a newbie is no defence either, as it just proves that they did NOT research their market properly in the first place! There is more to this than just getting a shed of a van and having a love of driving!
SMH said:
Ive lost one on my big customers that used the vans to someone in nottingham running xlwb at just over £1 plm
Bare in mind its food bags and we had to fill in all the forms to british standard,
now these people (sorry person) is sending in vans with building bags, cement dust and general sh*t in the back of the vans, you can sell dope in the back unreal
Not us incase anyone was wondering.
Also someone called a few days ago and said City Sprint were in financial difficulty.
I can't see that myself but you never know.
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