Just for your info guys
company search
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Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd
We have a similar service called Barclays Credit Focus.
It's reasonably low cost and we can check any company anytime.
Some even have financial details and asset levels at the last tax year end date.
Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd
this is completely free
Are you sure it's free?
I just had a quick look and the first search is free but any subsequent searches are chargeable.
It's a bit like the experian one, You pay a monthly subscription.
Doo Moves
I have the Barclay's one it is good with email updates when company's details changed, save me some money in the past.
Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd
it is free for you to ask me cos i signed up with em
Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd
the credit focus one is £10 per month if you bank with Barclays and £15 if you don't. it even allows you to search sole traders, I checked out a firm in cullompton and got 2 returns 1 for his ltd company and 1 for his sole trader. he was rather upset when I told him I could check his sole trader... ah well
Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd
its a shame he persists in staying in this industry
i have just emailed you =]
Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd
mailed ya back
DM & Speed, I havn't received anything, could you possibly resend to courier@badgerpcs.co.uk please
Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd
Hi Badger, wot is it you're waiting to be sent?
soz, miss read the thread, I'm so screwed up with Cullompton I think it's all about him!!
Sorry again
Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd
No worries...seems he's one of quite a few
PTC Sameday
I'd like to point out that although I might be found on a Limited Company search I no longer trade as one. I only registered as Ltd as a company I had a contract with preferred it. As the contract didn't live up to as promised I reverted back to a sole trader, and I'm glad I did!
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