Ok thats it... I'm banning McDonalds from my Body... i mean it... don't try and stop me... ( apart from the camarel frappe ) fool or hero?
OK, I'm banning McDonalds from my body
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Antonys Van

Feels great at the time but then, there is this stomach turning sense of regret and sickly feeling. Not dissimilar to a bad one night stand :/
Manadon Despatch

I'm in McDonalds now ... Yum, yum!
I trust that's the Fast Food outlet and not some Big Chap Called Mcdonald!
I like the chicken sandwich and mc flurry (not bothered on which) washed down with a nice milk shake.. In fact might go and get one now...
You cant beat a good mcdonalds, the wife thinks I will looklike Ronald McDonald soon. Im saying as I tuck into a nice big mac, yum yum
AJM sameday Couriers

I have only had 1 McDonald's on Denver airport 1996, verdict vile never had one since.
AM-PM Despatch

Prefer KFC myself!

McD's is crap, if you have kids and find a two week old burger tucked down the kids rear seats (the sensible little fella won't eat the burger, he discards it and makes a chip butty) and it hasn't started to mold over you know it's crap food
Scott Reid

I would only eat one if I was absolutely starving and there was nothing else within a 10 mile radius.
The Foods crap but PG tips tea for a quid can't go wrong, especially when you collect the stickers and get the 7th cup for free! I can put up with spurious meat and plastic cheese for a decent tea
Antonys Van

Mixture of views on Mcdonald, still don't know what to do... you know when you've been working all day and on the way back you see the golden arches... i mean, where else can you park and eat? and guarantee the rubbish your getting... Ya feel me?
AM-PM Despatch

Agree with the tea! Cup of tea and a leak are all I use mcd for!
Antonys Van

Also because the big supermarket chains are all over the place, it does give us more choice to drive in and broaden the choice of fast food.
Breakfast only, you can't beat the breakfast. I never visit a MacDonalds after 1030am
Mr G Courier Service

Has anyone noticed that the cups they serve the ice cream in have got smaller

I know it as McDogdirts
Jamie Goodland

Heh.. I handn't noticed the flurry cups were smaller. I must be too focussed on the contents!
I don't eat anything but McFlurrys and the odd box of fries. From McDonnalds that is. But that ice cream - Crunchie McFlurry but not whipped up - lovely. I was negotiating a road closure in Birmingham (School Road in Yardley Wood for those who are local) on the way home yesterday and found myself in McD's car park.. An inner battle ensued but my wallet won..this time.
PS Anyone know the services on the M40 north bound that charge 99p for a McFlurry? I went there a couple of weeks back but didn't make a note of which one it was. They usually charge £1.19+ on motorways! Won't pay that
JE Couriers LTD

Im trying not to use McDs as my weight has gone up by 2 stone since I started eating there on a regular basis, also they have stopped selling the big tasty and that was my favourite. I want one now!!!
AM-PM Despatch

JRG Express said:
Heh.. I handn't noticed the flurry cups were smaller. I must be too focussed on the contents!
I don't eat anything but McFlurrys and the odd box of fries. From McDonnalds that is. But that ice cream - Crunchie McFlurry but not whipped up - lovely. I was negotiating a road closure in Birmingham (School Road in Yardley Wood for those who are local) on the way home yesterday and found myself in McD's car park.. An inner battle ensued but my wallet won..this time.
PS Anyone know the services on the M40 north bound that charge 99p for a McFlurry? I went there a couple of weeks back but didn't make a note of which one it was. They usually charge £1.19+ on motorways! Won't pay that
Not sure about the McFlurry but the the KFC at Beaconsfield is £1 cheaper (high st prices) than most service stations
PW Courier Services

Only go in Mcdonnalds for a pee & coffee dont eat their junk foods, as do a pack up

They should make the breakfast wrap and all dayer
Jamie Goodland

I've been eating cheese n beetroot sandwiches made by my other half the last few days. Delicious, but you gotta stop to eat them. Tuna is a good 'on the go' sandwich filling.
PW Courier Services said:
Only go in Mcdonnalds for a pee & coffee dont eat their junk foods, as do a pack up
Me Too, don't like Scroatumburgers at all.
HSP Couriers LTD

Mcshit - full of processed crap and pure fat

HSP Couriers said:
Mcshit - full of processed crap and pure fat
But taste's feking good lol
Mr G Courier Service

I never understand why they make "specials" that always feature bacon but not egg/ yet they feature eggs all morning and have an abundance of raw material ... Bizarre
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