Can anyone help or explain why i'm getting text alerts for jobs hours after they've been posted on here? Is it my settings or the site?
Text alerts
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Pace Carriers

AJM sameday Couriers

Pace Carriers said:
Can anyone help or explain why i'm getting text alerts for jobs hours after they've been posted on here? Is it my settings or the site?
Turn you phone off that should cure the problem.

AJM sameday Couriers said:
Pace Carriers said:
Can anyone help or explain why i'm getting text alerts for jobs hours after they've been posted on here? Is it my settings or the site?
Turn you phone off that should cure the problem.
Don't be daft. He should change the time on his phone so that the alerts arrive earlier.
Dennis said:
AJM sameday Couriers said:
Pace Carriers said:
Can anyone help or explain why i'm getting text alerts for jobs hours after they've been posted on here? Is it my settings or the site?
Turn you phone off that should cure the problem.
Don't be daft. He should change the time on his phone so that the alerts arrive earlier.
Texts are slower when the battery is run down
Pace Carriers

AV Courier Service (Norwich) said:
Dennis said:
AJM sameday Couriers said:
Pace Carriers said:
Can anyone help or explain why i'm getting text alerts for jobs hours after they've been posted on here? Is it my settings or the site?
Turn you phone off that should cure the problem.
Don't be daft. He should change the time on his phone so that the alerts arrive earlier.
Texts are slower when the battery is run down
I knew i could rely on you lot for an intelligent response lol

Its worse when you get texts and you cant bid.

PHAX said:
Its worse when you get texts and you cant bid.
Of course you can bid. Put in a very late, very low bid and the job's yours!

Totally off point but since all the INTELLIGENT people are on this thread i'll ask anyway Have people lowered their prices since the cut in fuel prices because ive just sat out last week getting outbidded n being ignored by companies who ive done lots of work for? I dont want to lower the price but cnt sit around waiting for work
Pace Carriers

PARCEL i said:
Totally off point but since all the INTELLIGENT people are on this thread i'll ask anyway Have people lowered their prices since the cut in fuel prices because ive just sat out last week getting outbidded n being ignored by companies who ive done lots of work for? I dont want to lower the price but cnt sit around waiting for work
Had a few comments about prices but just said i didn't put them up when the price was high so swings and roundabouts
JH Logistics

Why on earth would anyone contemplate lowering their price just because fuel is currently at a low? See how easy it would be to raise your prices when the fuel price increases. Makesme wonder how some people are still in business ;)

Of course you can bid. Put in a very late, very low bid and the job's yours! ERM No. If ya not a paying member (which I dont do regular enough) you CAN NOT bid.

PARCEL i said:
Totally off point but since all the INTELLIGENT people are on this thread i'll ask anyway Have people lowered their prices since the cut in fuel prices because ive just sat out last week getting outbidded n being ignored by companies who ive done lots of work for? I dont want to lower the price but cnt sit around waiting for work
That's nothing to do with the cost of fuel, it's because it's January.

PHAX said:
Of course you can bid. Put in a very late, very low bid and the job's yours! ERM No. If ya not a paying member (which I don't do regular enough) you CAN NOT bid.
Sorry, I thought I was the only non-paying member! (haven't seen any jobs posted for my location in the last six months).
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