Does anyone have any experience with these sites? Are they worth the fees? Courier exchange seems really expensive £170 admin fee in joining seems to me that someone is making a lot of money to do nothing.
Courier expert / courier exchange
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Drivers R Us (midlands) LTD

Dash Despatch

I doubt if a driving agency would get much use from either unless it's just contacts you are after and I'm sure there are cheaper ways of getting a mailing list
Drivers R Us (midlands) LTD

Hi dash thanks for the input but I'm not worried what they can offer drivers r us the agency more drivers r us same day :)
Dash Despatch

Courier exchange can be good for backloads but you need to have outbound work in the first place.
No good for outbound work at the rates typically offered (for companies trying to pay drivers by the hour with overheads of office staff) as you're competing against hundreds of owner drivers.
Drivers R Us (midlands) LTD

Dash you seem to assume alot...
Dash Despatch

... IMHO
Drivers R Us (midlands) LTD

Dash do me a favour and take you HO somewhere else thankyou :)

AJM sameday Couriers

Drivers R Us (midlands) LTD said:
Dash do me a favour and take you HO somewhere else thankyou :)
Why don you clear off now before you upset anybody, people are trying to give you some constructive advice, if you don't like it then please keep your gob shut unless yo have something to say that is at least reasonably friendly.
Nice comments from original pister!!! How to win friends & gain business... Oh nice reply AJM.
Drivers R Us (midlands) LTD

not meaning to be funny but how is dash judging me and my company making judgements on clearly no information about my company constructive advice?
Ive asked people for information and feelings on 2 websites that offer work not to be judged by someone !!
Can we try and stay on topic please .
So there i was reading this post and all of a sudden bang up he goes like a bottle of pop... DRU you were being offered information and no-one was judging
you or your company. Lighten up buddy and take on board what peoples experiences can teach you and dont be so touchy.
Jamie Goodland

Drivers R Us (midlands) LTD said:
Dash do me a favour and take you HO somewhere else thankyou :)
Wow. Someone got out of bed the wrong side this morning.
My impression is with a name like 'Drivers R Us', particularly with the (midlands) there, that you're not a driver or even a courier company but an agency/third party that, well, provides drivers. As such the advice given was spot on.
If that's not what you do perhaps you need a different name? But I'm sure you need a different attitude. IMHO.
Jamie Goodland

PS I do however have to thank the OP for starting the thread, because it provoked some very useful feedback on the two exchanges mentioned.
Drivers R Us (midlands) LTD

My impression is with a name like 'Drivers R Us', particularly with the (midlands) there, that you're not a driver or even a courier company but an agency/third party that, well, provides drivers. As such the advice given was spot on.
Well your impression is wrong jamie g. Im a class 1 driver and director of drivers r us (agency) but my little brother has come to me and asked me to help him set up a courier company which means you pay for everything and ill drive :). Although I do have alot of knowledge of business and transport i know very little about Courier exchange and courier expert.
If anyone else has any further questions about my background please feel free to ask and ill answer any questions I can.
Drivers R Us (midlands) LTD

Oh and the midlands only went is as when you set up a ltd company you cant have the same name there was already a drivers r us in swindon that had the name so added the (midlands)
Jamie Goodland

If my impression is wrong then perhaps you should have used a different name on this forum? I'm not trying to start an argument or be offensive or anything like that but Dash's assumptions were fair enough. He was only answering your question in the context of this forum: an exchange for ODs and courier companies. And Googling your name shows you are indeed, a driver agency.
Also I'm genuinely interested to know where you got the info about the Swindon company from. I can find companies (both active and dissolved) in Walsall, Milton Keynes, Manchester and Wolverhampton, but not Swindon.
Ooooh handbags at dawn!
Mr G Courier Service

What a bizarre post .. im completely lost ...and those that know me will find that bizarre as i never get lost or use such bad grammar also
Drivers R Us (midlands) LTD said:
Hi dash thanks for the input but I'm not worried what they can offer drivers r us the agency more drivers r us same day :)
Drivers R Us (midlands) LTD

HI Mr G. Says your an award winning courier on your blurb what awards have you won?
Mr G Courier Service

Hello Conrad.. I was recently presented with the "consumer of the Year 2013 " title by Pukka Pies of Syston Leicestershire. Thank you for your interest in my service. How do you wish to promote me through your drivers r us agency?
Drivers R Us (midlands) LTD

Why would I want to promote you thru my agency? I was just interested in your award.
Jamie Goodland

Conrad, I actually am interested to know how you found out about the Swindon company as I can't find them on Companies House.
Drivers R Us (midlands) LTD

Jamie I looked earlier and drivers are us is available so I'm not sure if after a certain time they release the names again
AJM sameday Couriers

Just a quick question IS everybody else bored with this now?
Yeah me too

Was not interested to get bored
On the subject of CE is there plenty of work on there yet. I have decided to give them money shock
Every one has different opinions but courier expert and courier exchange and mtvan have been good to me. You just need to be in the right place at the right time...
Drivers R Us (midlands) LTD

When i said alot for nothing i was getting at the accreditation process!(£170) Im sure all they do is click a few buttons on a website but I know they offer alot of work out and from what ive seen the work is of much better quality than most.
Mr G Courier service- I take it personally said:
Hello Conrad.. I was recently presented with the "consumer of the Year 2013 " title by Pukka Pies of Syston Leicestershire. Thank you for your interest in my service. How do you wish to promote me through your drivers r us agency?
I won an award on courier exchange once :-)

Drivers R Us (midlands) LTD said:
When i said alot for nothing i was getting at the accreditation process!(£170) Im sure all they do is click a few buttons on a website but I know they offer alot of work out and from what ive seen the work is of much better quality than most.
I don't know if they've now added that as a separate fee - I don't think they have, I think it's part of the overall price but what I meant was that if you think the price of joining is a lot for just "clicking a few buttons" as you put it, then that's where you're wrong. A massive amount of work has gone, and continues to go, into making Courier Exchange work the way it does. It's still not perfect, bits of it could be much better, it still falls over every now and then (usually Fridays just when things are busy and you're looking forward to a nice earning backload) but you can appreciate how hard it is to keep a site like that working when you start using it.

LwsExpress transport solutions said:
Mr G Courier service- I take it personally said:
Hello Conrad.. I was recently presented with the "consumer of the Year 2013 " title by Pukka Pies of Syston Leicestershire. Thank you for your interest in my service. How do you wish to promote me through your drivers r us agency?
I won an award on courier exchange once :-)
I won "Best Courier in Milton Keynes 2013!"
It was judged by my Mum thou
MK BIKES said:
LwsExpress transport solutions said:
Mr G Courier service- I take it personally said:
Hello Conrad.. I was recently presented with the "consumer of the Year 2013 " title by Pukka Pies of Syston Leicestershire. Thank you for your interest in my service. How do you wish to promote me through your drivers r us agency?
I won an award on courier exchange once :-)
I won "Best Courier in Milton Keynes 2013!"
It was judged by my Mum thou
That has more credence than Courier Exchange!
You are right les
Delivery supermarket again on the up
And the one that got kicked off here the other day
Drivers R Us (midlands) LTD

Well trust me I don't work for free. I've got local contacts too so hopefully we will make money.
who said 'Free'?
The problem for those who have done their homework, do a professional job, and charge a realistic price is that there is an endless supply of those that haven't, don't and haven't a clue what to charge. , Sadly there are a growing number of vendors whose business model relies on the latter, and without which wouldn't be in business. It is them who are at fault because it is them that continues to allow our industry to be dumbed down.
If you allow free entry or cheap entry to exchange sites then you are merely adding to the problem. Call it elitist if you like, but if charging extra means i'm more likely to get what i want, which is a professional calibre of courier then thats the kind of site i'd rather be using, and the kind of site i'd want to be joining
Hear Hear Rob, We have been on Courier Exchange since we started 3.5 years ago and we have made money from day1. The cost of it sorts out the''I'll be a courier this week, painter and decorator next brigade''! But you know that you're going to work with decent companies who will pay on time or close to it, If you get too many complaints to CX about late payment/non payment your off with no money back! And if you provide a crap service you will meet the same fate! It's regulated which is something that other sites should take a look at! It would appear to be the norm if a company get's itself into trouble and can't pay the drivers they have subbed work to they get kicked off Courier Exchange and then they move on other unregulated sites till they finally go bust! It's up to driver who they work for but a company on Courier Exchange is a good indication of competance and financial worthyness, Plus of coarse Courier Exchange's app works on android as well as fruit phones!
We have worked with a few drivers from mtvan and have been pleased with the outcome, But some of the quotes you get for work posted are a little bit of a worry!
A E Delivery

who said 'Free'?
This may explain the free part .
My last small van was 16ppm to run, inclusive of servicing, tyres and insurance this became 24ppm, depreciation and van replacement wasnt built into this as i cant project what anything would cost or be worth after 3 years but its a fair guess to say another 10 pence on top of that.
Given a job comes in and you have dead miles both on the return and getting to site in the first instance then its fair to say its loaded miles doubled after 10% is added, so a 100 mile job becomes 100+110 so 210 in total for the job. So a 100 mile job at 50pplm miles pays 50 quid, for fuel alone at 16pence it will cost you £33.60 You have just run from coventry to london for £16.40 . However the van doesnt have everlasting tyres ,oil and free insurance so its got to be considered 100 miles pays £50 and now your seeing a massive 4 quid for your trouble . But the miles add up and in time vans need to be replaced so the higher rate of say 34 pence needs to be shown Now that job to london will cost you £9 , not make you but cost you ...........
And this is why 50pplm is a sick joke, ok there are return loads to be had and at this rate your going to need them but as a dedicated service provider we shouldnt do outbound at cost or less then a vastly reduced rate on the return and what happens when there simply isnt a back load to be had? Our industry really needs to get its act together.
More fool anyone who does price low, relying on back-loads.
Not the industry needing to get it's act together, just the numpties who have no idea how to price jobs, and are happy [it seems] to run for peanuts!

A E Delivery said:
And this is why 50pplm is a sick joke, ok there are return loads to be had and at this rate your going to need them but as a dedicated service provider we shouldnt do outbound at cost or less then a vastly reduced rate on the return and what happens when there simply isnt a back load to be had? Our industry really needs to get its act together.
Indeed, your figures also put 60pplm out of bounds. And 70pplm. 80pplm will make you just under £9 for that 100 mile delivery. Out and back empty pays as much as maybe £2.50 an hour (what price minimum wage?).
Drivers R Us (midlands) LTD

minimum wage is £6.31
A E Delivery

Dennis said:
A E Delivery said:
And this is why 50pplm is a sick joke, ok there are return loads to be had and at this rate your going to need them but as a dedicated service provider we shouldnt do outbound at cost or less then a vastly reduced rate on the return and what happens when there simply isnt a back load to be had? Our industry really needs to get its act together.
Indeed, your figures also put 60pplm out of bounds. And 70pplm. 80pplm will make you just under £9 for that 100 mile delivery. Out and back empty pays as much as maybe £2.50 an hour (what price minimum wage?).
Scarey isnt it when you break it down, 3 grand insurance means 11 quid a day ( whats saturday and sunday work then? ), thats near 20 miles loaded or say 45 round a day just to cover insurance... depreciation call it another £15 on top , a bloody good reason to work for yourself then
What IS worrying is the amount of times this subject comes up.
How many Businesses start up without knowing a breakdown of costs?
How many Businesses open their doors with little to no knowledge of the industry they're in?
It's something that seems to be getting worse, despite all the free info on this and other forums we still get people coming into this industry without a clue...
Not good is it
AM-PM Despatch

Over the 2 years I've been on the road my running costs including ins, phone etc. are 25ppm. Average speed including loading/unloading/waiting 30mph. 10 hours at 30mph = 300 miles To earn £6/hr you need 20p per mile on top, so 45ppm or 90pplm assuming there is no dead mileage.
Hands up all subbers who will pay 90pplm for a small van? Lucky if you get 80pplm!
In reality my van shouldn't move for less than £1plm but if I asked that I would be sat indoors all day.
Just put it into perspective if I win my local golf club comp this weekend I would pocket £40-50 for playing golf for 5 hrs including travel to and from club.

AM-PM Despatch said:
Over the 2 years I've been on the road my running costs including ins, phone etc. are 25ppm. Average speed including loading/unloading/waiting 30mph. 10 hours at 30mph = 300 miles To earn £6/hr you need 20p per mile on top, so 45ppm or 90pplm assuming there is no dead mileage.
Hands up all subbers who will pay 90pplm for a small van? Lucky if you get 80pplm!
In reality my van shouldn't move for less than £1plm but if I asked that I would be sat indoors all day.
Just put it into perspective if I win my local golf club comp this weekend I would pocket £40-50 for playing golf for 5 hrs including travel to and from club.
You haven't factored in the full cost of the golf clubs & practice over the years ;-)
Golf is just a good walk spoiled!
I'd want more than £50 for a 5hr ruined walk!
Hmmmm not many paying that much then AM-PM judging by the response lol :-)
AM-PM Despatch

MK BIKES said:
AM-PM Despatch said:
Over the 2 years I've been on the road my running costs including ins, phone etc. are 25ppm. Average speed including loading/unloading/waiting 30mph. 10 hours at 30mph = 300 miles To earn £6/hr you need 20p per mile on top, so 45ppm or 90pplm assuming there is no dead mileage.
Hands up all subbers who will pay 90pplm for a small van? Lucky if you get 80pplm!
In reality my van shouldn't move for less than £1plm but if I asked that I would be sat indoors all day.
Just put it into perspective if I win my local golf club comp this weekend I would pocket £40-50 for playing golf for 5 hrs including travel to and from club.
You haven't factored in the full cost of the golf clubs & practice over the years ;-)
Clubs have cost me about £1 per week over 15 years, practice is free. On a good week in the summer I pocketed £150+ from 2 comps and playing partners.
Play golf for medicinal reasons (lol) as I am type 2 diabetic and the exercise is good for the blood sugar levels after sitting in the van or at home all week.
AJM sameday Couriers

I know what you golfers get upto, I have witnessed first hand deveres hotel Blackpool 1999.

AM-PM Despatch said:
Play golf for medicinal reasons (lol) as I am type 2 diabetic and the exercise is good for the blood sugar levels after sitting in the van or at home all week.
Does that mean that you can get the VAT back on golf related expenses...

I rode a horse around one of the holes once, wasn't on purpose horse was spooked on the bridle way next to the green
I have also been a member of courier exchange found that it was a good place to get contacts, full rate and back load jobs, i have also just recently signed up with courier expert and find them to be ok,
is there vat on a sack of bats and comedy trousers then?
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