What's a reputation worth?
It seems on here I can't view details of people who CAN view mine. There doesn't seem to be a search facility on this forum, so I can't look it up. But it tells me I can't view other people's details until I have a "Reputation" of 200+, but it soesn't tell me what contributes to my reputation. I would like to think it is based on my having carried out great work for somebody, but I can't see any indication of this. All I can see is by a process of trialling it, that my reputation number increases whenever I post. From what I've seen, it looks as though I shall have to make another 20 or 30 posts before I have such a great "Reputation" that I can look at details of anybody who is posting a job, or, unlikely as it may be, anybody to whom I might care to offer a job.
It's a bit alarming to think that people on here with "Reputations" in the hundreds or thousands have reached that highly esteemed level simply by posting their thoughts. Bit of a shame for anybody like me who is currently satisfied to read and not comment often.
Whilst I'm at it, when is the (coming soon) coming? I'm talking about the little thing at the bottom of the page here saying Tick Notify me of replies to this thread (coming soon) - it's always said that ever since I first joined. Is anybody actually working on it?