Getting back to the original topic,
Having a default setting for T&C's (one which is actually in line with the current legal requirements) that is to say, payment of cleared funds to be received within 30 days of receipt of invoice, is something with which I totally agreee with.
I just wish that other subbies knew what their legal rights were when it comes to payment terms. (take good note SMH).
But somone willing to run for such a low rate as Red Hot Courier "If he is paid quicker!". Lol
That's just the other side of the coin.
Courier companies wanting longer credit terms because they don't have the money to pay until they are paid by the customer.
Subbies who are so cash strapped they are willing to run for buttons for fast payment.
Sounds like a recipe that JH would enjoy!
This is a great, and really important thread! I think it's important that T&C's should be stated, but I belive that if anyone wants to use a site such as this then the legal precedent to payment terms should apply unless there is some kind of writtten or verbal agreement between both parties (as prescribed within the same law!)
SMH, stick to you're principles.
Wait until you come up against a subbie that knows their legal rights.