How many have we got now?
More than a dozen, but how many work?
Everyone seems to be jumping on the bandwagon and starting their own exchange site, or rather trying to.
The first thing you have to do is suss out what type of work you want to be known for. Too many try and cover all bases, and all that does is confuse the potential user.
There are a handful of good exchange sites, with quality work. Many try, and most fail. Chicken and egg afterall. Without the work you won't attract members, without members you won't attract the work, but it doesn't seem to be stopping some from trying.
The majority are for trade only, but its ony a matter of time before someone opens it up to the masses, and when that happens we may as well all shut up shop. You think rates are bad now? Wait until that happens and then talk about low rates.
Cut out the middlemen, the one's who check their drivers have the correct insurance, the one's who care about the service level they offer, and you open u