Does anyone know why Courier Expert job alerts have disappeared from mtvan and re-appeared on Anyvan Pro?
Courier Expert job alerts
Posted in General Discussion.Topic Closed
Saddlebow Deliveries

Mr G Courier Service

It could be because he is now in direct competition with mtvan and pushing to be the number 2 exchange
Courier Expert

Saddlebow Deliveries said:
Does anyone know why Courier Expert job alerts have disappeared from mtvan and re-appeared on Anyvan Pro?
Not sure what you mean? Just checked and our jobs are listed, in fact we just subbed the SW3 job to an mtvan courier 5 minutes ago!
Courier Expert

Mr G Courier Service said:
It could be because he is now in direct competition with mtvan and pushing to be the number 2 exchange
Yes, our jobs are also on anyvan pro and vehotrans, competition or not, we are looking to build friendly and respectful alliances... Now there's a thought :)
Either way I got an alert for a job today that was posted here then about 2 minutes later the same job on Courier Exchange. It's beginning to be a joke if i'm honest. Mmmmm I wonder whose job that was
Courier Expert

East-Lancs Sameday Couriers Ltd said:
Either way I got an alert for a job today that was posted here then about 2 minutes later the same job on Courier Exchange. It's beginning to be a joke if i'm honest. Mmmmm I wonder whose job that was
Either way, it went to an mtvan courier :)

Work is work wherever it comes from. I just want to keep my vans wheels turning, from whatever source.
I've had a couple of jobs lately, off this site or phoned direct to me, Courier Direct paid a fair rate as well.
I personally only work for those that have standards for who delivers them. Some may say work is work, but if it's not a fair rate and they want professionals rather than uninsured drivers without any experience whatsoever, then i'm not interested. This is not at aimed at anyone, but standards have to start somewhere and i'm sure the customer will be looking to have there goods delivered by a professional to gain the trust
Saddlebow Deliveries

Well said
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