ebay rates

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Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Original Poster

DropZone Couriers


Sorry my fault it is the eBay crap.

But come on how can you do it.
Nottingham & Derby Couriers
Ha Ha i read on the description written in red  "Dimensions are an estimate"

I hope the price was too !!
Speed Couriers (Stansted Airport)
well the "ebay crap" is an anomally..its stuff that isn't going to get there with the overnighters and it ain't going to get there at sameday prices so i guess there is a place for it...so you can get your fuel back if nothing else.....its just not stuff i'm interested in i'm afraid....and ebayers are very lucky to get theses "special" rates.....how long before the industry does to?

DropZone Couriers Ltd


Honestly its not good.

i mean if you going that way and you've covered  your
fuel..if another proper job comes you'll end up pricing
that cheaper...

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Original Poster

ebay and the like has certainly confused the issue it has to be said

BUT there are sites that are full of this stuff so I would suggest anyone with this stuff leaves them off the Sameday Exchange sites like CX and MTvan.
That way we know we're not wasting our time bidding and the vendor knows that the OD's aren't scrolling thru endless piles of poo, confident that his rate is the right rate and isn't wasting his or the vendors time.
I find all this backload and ebay stuff just gets in the way of the proper stuff....the reason we're all here afterall

Doo Moves


its not ideal, but for example im off to Norwich this weekend to collect a ramp from a mate of mine, i have got one of the jobs from DS at a price that will cover my fuel each way plus some for my trouble, also got a few others lined up there and back so hopefully make a few pounds doing a trip i was going to do anyway. these sites if used properly can generate a few extra pounds. the last couple of weeks i have generated 500.... plus getting calls from those i have worked for, for extra jobs, its not ideal and can only be used as a top up 

DropZone Couriers Ltd


well said speed.....

Chris Watson


to be honest , I stayed clear off anyvan and shipley to start with but Ive gotta say the past month or so ive found it really good, if you use your head, and plan your journeys you can make much more than on cx or on here, yeah it takes a little time to sort out, but you can literally make as much as you want, and can find your way above being paid £1 per mile and you get paid for the full journey by the time you return home. plus the big incentive for me to do this is its CASH.. no waiting and wondering if you will make next months fuel bill if company A or B dont pay on time... but then its what works for people.

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Original Poster

Chris I applaud you for making it work...its just a shame that's wot this industry is becoming is all i'm saying.

Website Admin


So, how much would it cost to put those 9 doors on an overnight?

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Original Poster

this is the problem facing us all admin

Overnighters have health and saftey issues re size and weight, goods need moving but certain goods don't justify the service we all provide...add ebayers into the mix and you get what we have now...a very confused industry with so many service levels.

I may be a dinosaur but i prefer to keep out of this market and concentrate on the old fashioned "help i'm in the shit, i need it picking up and delivering now" and i want an xchange  that is simple to use and doesn't confuse the O/D's

So anyone may like to note all my work is good old fashioned sameday, whether thats real sameday i.e now for asap or pick up tommorro for asap or lastly pick up now and deliver tommorro....no backloads, no do me a cheap please, just nice and simples innit...lol

We have always avoided next day delivery.

One of my sameday customers was asking for the service yesterday.  Referred her to A.P.C., Excel Couriers.

Many times I have been told how bigger companies than we have tried and failed.  They usually loose their customers and absolutely get the hump with the carrier.  They get left with an angry customer through the carriers mistakes or failures.

Some larger independants can make significant profits.  They are made of different stuff from us.

Fastway were awwful.  However their one size fits all was very user friendly.  Just even less profit than they already weren't making. Hence they went big bust.


Apologies for the poor english< but ou get my drift.


Kind regards




Badger Courier Services


I totally agree with speed, I know it's not the best way to make money but pickup & go or pickup tomorrow& go is what I want, and after I've done a 2 or 300 mile trip all i want to do is get home not drive about to pickup a backload. and I think that backloads should be completely flexable with regards to collection/delivery times. if you want it collected or delivered at a certain time then you cant ask for half price haulage!

Chris Watson


ideally yes I agree we would all like one job with a decent backload which is well payed, back home every night getting 90 ppm etc, however in reality it wont happen and unless you have some very good contacts in this game you will spend more and more time sat looking at computer / laptop screens wondering if its worth it. Today looks to have been very good on CX, like it should be, so hopefully it will continue, but I personally dont think there is much difference between sameday "loads" and ebay stuff, its business at the end of the day, whether it be stuff off anyvan / shipley or the CX it still needs delivered and were all in it to get the best price we can, its just with the time and flexiabity of the ebay stuff you can knock the price down while co loading it with others. Ive just say today and sorted a run out for wednesday of next week down to plymouth, staying over night down there and returning Thursday afternoon ( needed for rugby training ha ) and Ill be coming back with excess of £700, so it shows it can work for some, to say the ebay stuff confuses the industry is very short sighted, its just another string to your bow....

have a good weekend boys and girls

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Original Poster

well i do wear glasses chris

Chris Watson


ha ha I think I need them ha

Badger Courier Services


Who said that? he says waving his hands in front of him

PTC Sameday


I've bid on loads of them but now advertise myself, cutting out the middle man. It pays well if done right (mixed in with regular jobs). I've just ordered 5000 leaflets, that I will stick through local letterboxes, and have had new decals made that include the ebay collections service. Once I've got them on I'll post a picture of the van.

PTC Sameday


I've found that many people would rather deal with me than put it on an exchange as they like dealing direct with the person who will pick it up and deliver it. I ask for the collection details, including name and contact number, and then tell them to leave everything to me. OK, it helps that I am a smooth bastard and look like Brad Pitt (one of those is a lie) but if you are dealing with the upper end of eBayers (posh/well-off - I'm amazed that these people use eBay!) then they will pay for the personal touch. (I am always asked for my card)

Speed Couriers Nationwide Ltd

Original Poster

Well Brad if it works for you then good stuff

PTC Sameday


Today I subbed to Guildford and Croydon, then picked up an eBay collection 3 miles from the Croydon drop. It's for a Benfleet delivery, along with a collection from Brum that I will pick up on my way back from a sub delivery to Newcastle, where I will also deliver a double bass, pick up a double bed  for Carlisle and then pick up an exercise bike from Nottingham (for Houslow). After the pick up from Brum I will pick up another from MK. 

All will go back to base with me (other than the Carlisle delivery) and be delivered when I have sub jobs in the area. I will stay up north over night and will probably have more collections/deliveries on my way back the next day.

It takes some organizing but, if you do it right, bidding for peanut-payment back loads will be a thing of the past.

PTC Sameday


Should have said, the subbie job will pay £300 and, to date, the eBay jobs will pay £500

Nottingham & Derby Couriers


I have put a couple of bids in this week just as a tester as the van was literally in the same town.

There was a  Gloucester to Derby and the item was 3 streets from our drop.

I put a bid in of £25 , This was immediately outbid.

I can't understand who else could bid lower as the delivery was 2.5 miles from our office.

Weird as you couldn't get much closer.

Michael Lucani


Shiply is the place for all this cheap and nasty crap!

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