I thought it was now illegal just to sit there downing 55mph Why on a Friday when they know I'm in a rush. Very wet M1 last nigghnigghhtt
Middle lane
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GB Distributors (Bridgend)

GB Distributors (Bridgend)

Bloody predictive text

I was on the M1 last night rained all the way to Grimsby n back - careful of the camz during roadworks you get an auto penalty thru the post P. S did i move out your way? i was in my red ferrari
AJM sameday Couriers

PARCEL i said:
I was on the M1 last night rained all the way to Grimsby n back - careful of the camz during roadworks you get an auto penalty thru the post P. S did i move out your way? i was in my red ferrari
1/2 a pint of wot you've been drinking please

AJM sameday Couriers said:
PARCEL i said:
I was on the M1 last night rained all the way to Grimsby n back - careful of the camz during roadworks you get an auto penalty thru the post P. S did i move out your way? i was in my red ferrari
1/2 a pint of wot you've been drinking please
Maybe just cut down wat your actually drinking anyway
GB Distributors (Bridgend)

That Ferrari, arrrrrgggggghhhhhhhhh!
How many pallets can you get in that Ferrari? If you can squeeze three in, I might put my Transit in and get one.

Middle lane is acceptable its the Richard Heads who sit in the outside lane doing 48mph in the 50mph limit thru roadworks and give you the abuse cos you wanna pass at 54mph.
AJM sameday Couriers

PHAX said:
Middle lane is acceptable its the Richard Heads who sit in the outside lane doing 48mph in the 50mph limit thru roadworks and give you the abuse cos you wanna pass at 54mph.
So true and they up drive am audi or some other Germany car made in Bavaria.
Andy McTighe

They drive like a pebble in a stream.

Trying to think how a pebble drives in a stream?
Andy McTighe

PHAX said:
Trying to think how a pebble drives in a stream?
Slowly :-)
A E Delivery

PHAX said:
Middle lane is acceptable its the Richard Heads who sit in the outside lane doing 48mph in the 50mph limit thru roadworks and give you the abuse cos you wanna pass at 54mph.
Let me guess, the sat navs on and your speedos slightly out meaning you can do an indicated 54 whilst only doing a real 50?
Im guilty as sin of this

TomTom at 53 in the average speed areas is good - got one now which actually shows the average speed in those sections - fantastic. It shows an underscore line under the speed when it is working like that and if I have been held up behind a snail then a few miles a bit faster brings the average back to where I want it.
Got a Caravan & Camper version with live traffic and camera updates for life on a Halfords 1/2 price offer last year now everyone wants to borrow it!

021 SAMEDAY said:
TomTom at 53 in the average speed areas is good - got one now which actually shows the average speed in those sections - fantastic. It shows an underscore line under the speed when it is working like that and if I have been held up behind a snail then a few miles a bit faster brings the average back to where I want it.
Got a Caravan & Camper version with live traffic and camera updates for life on a Halfords 1/2 price offer last year now everyone wants to borrow it!
The TomTom average speed is NOT accurate enough - it calculates from the START of the zone only. If you enter the zone already in a merging type queue, it'll start off with a low speed and hold that for the calculation right throughout. If you do get up to greater speeds through a long series (e.g. the good old M1), it will still be calculating from the start, whereas it needs to recalculate for/from every camera. Get a proper warning system, CamerAlert, from PocketGPSWorld.com, which restarts calculation at each new camera. You can set it up on a satnav, or even better, on a smartphone, iOS and Android. The download is free, complete with the latest updated database, so you can test it out, so much more up to date and accurate than TomTom. Subscription is then £19.99 a year, but with the opportunity to win a free year if you submit details of new/changed cameras.
A E Delivery

You can of course check its accuracy out to a degree yourself . 60 mph means you travel 60 miles in 1 hour ( my mrs could be reading this hence having to explain in such detail, sorry to be condescending ). Cruise control or very careful application of the throttle over known markers means you can work out your average distance traveled at whatever speed to give you an idea of speedos accuracy... So say your in a 40 zone for 10 minutes and cover a shown distance of more than 6.6 miles when you have used cruise control or careful application of throttle to maintain 40 mph then you can therefore work out the % of inaccuracy of your speedo, distance countdowns also can be used and based on a trip down to cornwall my sprinter does 64 miles at 70 mph so is about 10% out on a real figure, however from experience this may be different at slower speeds as the inaccuracy increses along with the speed so although its say 10% at higher speed doesnt mean your doing 33 in a 30 and still legal, it could be an indicated 34 and still be under the limit, to extract urine therefore 3+10% +2mph is a guideline
used by the cops ( not recommend but were all human and accountable for our actions ) means (35x0.10 )=38.5mph can/may be ignored by the cops ( still not recommended )but it could be 38x0.1=41.8mph ( very not recommended ), it does explain why you see some cars belt through speed profiteering cameras at pace without triggering them and why there set higher than expected , also explains how a moments inattentiveness doesnt mean always mean you have to nail up the letterbox to stop that your in the mire letter hitting the door mat . Also means you can look where your going rather than religiously at the speedo when you pass the yellow boxies of misery ( sooooo not recommended ).
Of course speed kills so your a murderer if you travel over 5 mph, so dont do it
I had Tomtom live and found it slightly better than not. I thought the renewal was £30 and havnt got round to it , came free for the first year, its now 32 months old it tells me (every bloooody time i turn it on etc ). Cant rush these things

What are you on? - I think I could do with some of that!

Hands up anybody who has actually done 60 miles at 60mph any day this week?
A E Delivery

Dennis said:
Hands up anybody who has actually done 60 miles at 60mph any day this week?
Not easy to do, however 10 or 20 minutes is easy enough so you can work it out from that, 10 minutes in a 30 zone, a doddle
AJM sameday Couriers

Dennis said:
What are you on? - I think I could do with some of that!
Makes me sound normal done you think Dennis
I think some of you need to get out more, it aint rocket science to look at a speedo to see what speed your doing and drive to the conditions... rather than analising the science round it...
AJM sameday Couriers

Back in 1983 I had a Honda Z600 car One day i jacked the front of the car up and started the car up and went into top gear and got it upto 120 mph could I of been done for speeding?

A E Delivery said:
Dennis said:
Hands up anybody who has actually done 60 miles at 60mph any day this week?
Not easy to do, however 10 or 20 minutes is easy enough so you can work it out from that, 10 minutes in a 30 zone, a doddle
Hands up anybody who has actually done 10 minutes at 30mph in a 30 zone any day this week? pmsl
A E Delivery

Gas Motorcycle Couriers said:
I think some of you need to get out more, it aint rocket science to look at a speedo to see what speed your doing and drive to the conditions... rather than analising the science round it...
Its a rainman thing, i get bored so do the math to keep myself awake and alert. Its something i have always done. When i was in a factory making something i would work out the daily rate , the hourly rate and the per minute rate . I would then work out the worth to myself before and after tax with of course NI contributions taken into consideration . Id then if bored enough work out productivity of the factory as a whole based on the work force and then check this based on its annual projected income and material turn around to see what the companys projected income should be . Lets just say they hated me when it came to the profit share meeting twice a year at Dunlop .
Reading this back its clear im a nerd , ummm
A E Delivery

AJM sameday Couriers said:
Back in 1983 I had a Honda Z600 car One day i jacked the front of the car up and started the car up and went into top gear and got it upto 120 mph could I of been done for speeding?
Theres no way that chick magnet got upto 120 regardless of load
AJM sameday Couriers

A E Delivery said:
AJM sameday Couriers said:
Back in 1983 I had a Honda Z600 car One day i jacked the front of the car up and started the car up and went into top gear and got it upto 120 mph could I of been done for speeding?
Theres no way that chick magnet got upto 120 regardless of load
It sure did 120 mph I was there you know
A E Delivery

4th (0.714) gear has a ratio of 4.45:1, its mph vrs speed is 1000rpm=12.7mph , This means a top speed just into the redline of 77 mph , however this is an over drive so is unlikely to pull top speed in 4th .If it were to hit 120 it would need to rev to 9500 on an engine that redlines at 6 thou! If in third( 1.00) it would need to rev to 11,100 which id say is impossible as the valve bounce after 8000 would preclude it in either, plus the speedo reads upto 100mph
Not saying your wrong but will say its easier to do 30mph in a 30 for 10 minutes
A E Delivery said:
4th (0.714) gear has a ratio of 4.45:1, its mph vrs speed is 1000rpm=12.7mph , This means a top speed just into the redline of 77 mph , however this is an over drive so is unlikely to pull top speed in 4th .If it were to hit 120 it would need to rev to 9500 on an engine that redlines at 6 thou! If in third( 1.00) it would need to rev to 11,100 which id say is impossible as the valve bounce after 8000 would preclude it in either, plus the speedo reads upto 100mph
Not saying your wrong but will say its easier to do 30mph in a 30 for 10 minutes
I think you spent too much time in your bedroom as a kid... Listening to to much hawkins and reading einstein, useful it may be to you, but no one else gives a hoot.. Glad your not a passenger of mine thats all im gonna say.
Thanks for scrambling my head... I am with gas on this one.

All am saying if ya in first TWO lanes you cant do 50 cos there is bound to be an HGV up ya ass flashing his lights cos it slows him down and has to go through 37 gear changes to get back up to speed.

Should be an offence to make a speed restricted HGV overtake you if your own vehicle's limit is 70 mph.
70mph max speed LIMIT not necessarily a target to be attained.
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